Immagrent people in US. Explatory essay.
Exploratory writing is not argumentative and, thus, does not necessarily take a position on its central issue. The purpose of an exploratory essay is to inform readers about a particular issue, using multiple credible sources focused on said issue. The sources you incorporate (a minimum of fivenone of the five may be independent websites) must provide multiple perspectives on the issue. To sum it up: your purpose is to objectively inform readers on a current, significant, multi-faceted issue that is of interest to a broad audience.
In the introductory paragraph, be sure to grab your readers’ attention in a meaningful way. Then you must contextualize the issue, providing general background information and explaining why this issue/topic is significant and why readers should care about this issue. You might also incorporate some meaningful research questions. Finally, since you are to remain objective, you will need to craft your thesis carefully to ensure that you do not take a position or reveal bias. The thesis statement for an exploratory essay will literally outline the order of the body of your essay:
In order to reach a more comprehensive understanding of _____, we must first understand __________________, __________________, and, finally, __________________.
In the body, provide examples and explanations from the sources you consulted. Be sure to introduce and contextualize each source, establishing its expertise and relevance. Make sure to attribute and cite all source material. Each paragraph must begin with an appropriate topic sentence. Use transitions when shifting from one paragraph to another. Remember, body paragraphs must not begin or end with paraphrases of or quotations from outside sources.
Conclude your essay by encapsulating the key ideas from the body and by discussing any possible solutions. You may also ask any new questions that have arisen as a result of the exploration (i.e., what else needs to be considered). Is there a best solution at this point in your research? End in a way that will leave your readers thinking about the issue (refer to the Essay Organization lecture posted Online).
Format your paper according to Modern Language Association (MLA) guidelines and include a proper Works Cited. Refer to the MLA section of our textbook and the other resources provided.
Make use of the resources in our library, including the librarians at the Reference Desk. The Online Databases and texts in our library will be very useful. Do not hesitate to make use of the Writing Center.
Submission Requirements
Upload to Blackboard as a Word document (.doc or .docx file) by 11:59PM on the due date.
Grading Criteria
Your paper will be graded according to the following criteria.
Criteria (based on assignment requirements)
Description Point
Value Degree to Which Your Essay Meets Each Criterion
Excels Meets SatisfiesMinimallyFails
100-90% <90-80% <80-70% <70-60% <60-0%
Essay has a fitting, unique title. 5
The introductory paragraph begins by grabbing the reader’s attention, contextualizes the issue, and includes a thesis.
Thesisserves as the governing idea (framework) for the rest of the paper. 15
Body paragraphs begin with topic sentences,remain focused, and are coherent and unified.
Paragraphs are organized in a logical order, and transitions are used effectively.
The conclusion ties together main points and relates them to the thesis. Essay ends with possible solutions and/or questions for further exploration.
Words and sentence structures are appropriate to the demands of the rhetorical situation, maintaining an academic tone.
Writing remains objective and unbiased. 10
A minimum of five credible sources are used responsibly. Sources address multiple perspectives on the issue/topic.
All sources are introduced and contextualized, ensuring readers are aware of their expertise and relevance.
All source material is attributed and cited (MLA); all quotations and paraphrases are used responsibly and purposefully. Plagiarism will not be tolerated.
Works Cited is formatted properly (MLA) and includes any/all relevant sources. 10
The essay is free of proofreading errors. 10
Final Grade
A Excellent C Satisfactory
B Good D Minimal Pass
Student actively participated in Peer-Review as part of the revision process. __