Literature Review;
October 7, 2020
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October 7, 2020

illutrated strategy report

illutrated strategy report

Order Description
According to the “insight” article published by LSN Global, “Gen Viz is a global, liberal and visual-first tribe at the forefront of key emerging trends among
Generation Z.”
Choose a fashion brand of your choice and discuss how the brand might develop a competitive development strategy to engage with the needs of the consumer tribe that
LSN Global have named as “Gen Viz”

• Choose a fashion brand. (Please note take care having read the article to choose a brand whose values are potentially in alignment with those of the consumer tribe
known as “Gen Viz”.)

• Propose and discuss what your brand could strategically do to engage the consumer tribe known as “Gen Viz”. (Please take into consideration the brand’s identity.)

• Identify and discuss what three key actions your brand, as a business, would need to take to implement your proposed strategy.

Create the following as appendices to support your assignment.

1. “Gen Viz” consumer profile board.

2. Brand Identity mood-board for your chosen brand.
Structure for Writing your Assignment,

• Title Page with the title of your report, relevant image, your name, student number, the title of your degree and pathway, the date and your word count.

• Table of Contents

• Introduction – Introduce your chosen brand and their brand identity explaining how the brands values are in alignment with those of the consumer tribe known as “Gen
Viz” (Approximately 150-250 words)

• Discuss and propose what your brand could strategically do to engage the consumer tribe known as “Gen Viz”. (Please take into consideration the brand’s identity.)
(Approximately 750-850 words)

• Identify and discuss what three key actions your brand, as a business, would need to take to implement your proposed strategy. (Approximately 750-850 words)

• Conclusion (Approximately 150-250 words)

• References

• Appendices ((1) Customer Profile Board and (2) Brand Identity Mood-board of your chosen brand)