I’ll give you the options below, you choose

May 8, 2020
Semiotic interpretation of an image
May 8, 2020

I’ll give you the options below, you choose

I’ll give you the options below, you choose

Compose a comparison & contrast essay 3-4 pages in length(not including works cited). You must incorporate 2

outside sources (only one may be a website). 3rd person only! Rough draft due on wed. 9/24/14 and final draft due

Monday 9/29/14. You must choose a topic that is based on one of those categories:
1. The coverage of a world event on television and in a newspaper
2. The experience of watching a film on a DVD and in a theater
3.  The style of two athletes playing in the same position(two pitchers, two quarterbacks, two goalies.)
4. English and another language
5. Two different views of a current controversy
6. Two similar works of architecture (two churches, two skyscrapers, two city halls, two museums, two campus buildings)
7. Two articles, essay, websites about the same topic
8. Two short stories, two poems, or two literary works about the same theme