BUS520 Module 3 LP and 3 SLP
June 12, 2020
Enhancing Product Lines
June 12, 2020

II. Research paper

II. Research paper
Your identifying a social problem will lead into you writing a 7-page research paper excluding

title page and bibliography. Your paper should include
1. A well-worded argument/thesis statement including the actual argument, the theoretical lens

used, and explaining why the problem analyzed is important. (this will come from your previous

assignment and feedback).
2. Cite at least 5 external scholarly sources and 1 source from class. Remember that your course

book is an edited book. Therefore, if you cite the course book, cite the specific chapter you use

as part of an edited book (if you are not sure about this, please ask). You should not describe the

research done in the 5 academic sources. Instead, you should synthesize the research to allow you

to make the argument you want to make. This means carefully selecting material that is relevant and

supports your argument.
3. Remember we are looking for 7 pages of text excluding title page and bibliography.
4. Bibliography

Since this paper is based the social problem that I identified in my previous paper. so IF

POSSIBLE, please ask the writer from my last order 81738414 to write this paper becasue he/she’s

more femiliar with the content.
but anyway I will upload my identifying a social problem paper and some lec notes.