Idle no more movement in Canada Custom Essay

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April 2, 2020

Idle no more movement in Canada Custom Essay

: Conflict Mapping Diagram showing the needs and concerns of major stakeholders The issue in this conflict is rights and environmental protections, and the movement began as a response by the Aboriginals to the proposed Bill C-45 by the Canadian government, which they claim is an assault on native sovereignty as well as on laws that protect the environment. Bill C-45, passed in December 2012, changes how First Nations approve the leasing or surrendering of territory, making it much easier to open the indigenous treaty lands to development. Furthermore, it also decreases the number of development projects requiring environmental assessment, and significantly changes Canada’s Navigable Waters Protection Act (NWPA) renaming it the Navigation Protection Act (NPA). Since 1882, this NWPA illegalized blocking, altering or destroying any water that is deep enough to float a canoe without the approval of the federal government.