Identify three professionals in your community who have jobs that are relevant to your field of study.

June 9, 2020
Fundamental Economic Concepts
June 9, 2020

Identify three professionals in your community who have jobs that are relevant to your field of study.

a) Identify three professionals in your community who have jobs that are relevant to your field of study. This could be a faculty or staff member at UIUC or another educational institution, someone working in industry, the non-profit or government sector, or a career counselor. Provide the names,

titles and contact information for all three individual, as well as a short explanation of why their work is of interest to you.
b) Set up an in-person, informational interview with one of these contacts.
c) Generate a list of 5-7 questions that you plan to ask during your interview, as well as

3 professional facts that you can share about yourself during the interview (i.e. career goals, relevant experience, a point of connection, desirable qualities you’ve acquired).
d) Write a 4-5 page summary of your discussion. This is not a transcript of your interview, but rather an overview about what you learned during your informational interview.

Explain what worked (what you got out of it), the most useful thing you learned, and what you would do differently next time. Include three concrete things you can do (next steps) based on the information you gained to move closer to your goal of getting a job/being admitted to grad school/finding an internship.
e) Your list of professional contacts, interview questions and summary are all due on Monday, May 12th at 5:00 p.m. Your final project should be approximately 5-6 pages, typed (summary should be double spaced).