Identify the strategic issues facing the organization.

September 8, 2020
Map the Supply Chain Paper
September 8, 2020

Identify the strategic issues facing the organization.

You are writing this essay to show me that you understand each step of the strategic planning process that was discussed in our reading material. This is also referred to as the strategy change cycle. The steps are as follows:1) Initiate and agree on a strategic planning process2) Identify organizational mandates3) Clarify organizational mission and values4) Assess the external and internal environments to identify strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats5) Identify the strategic issues facing the organization6) Formulate strategies to manage the issues7) Review and adopt the strategies or strategic plan8) Establish an effective organizational vision9) Develop an effective implementation process10) Reassess the strategies and the strategic planning process. For each of the steps listed above you should discuss the most important aspects for each step that you should understand assomeone that would implement a strategic plan for an organization. . Tell me about key terms that you found interestingin each step. The key terms are in italics in our reading material. You should generally provide an overview of each step and what you have learned about each of these.This should be the format of your Paper:.