Identify examples of good and bad business practices in the use of strategy design components.

Identify examples of good and bad business practices in the use of strategy design components.

ToolsCorp Corporation is a fictitious company that does exist anywhere. For the purpose of this course, it is located it in Tennessee. As members of the senior management team of ToolsCorp Corporation, your group has been asked to prepare a neat and organized report for the Strategic Officers Steering Committee (SOS-C) of ToolsCorp Corporation. The purpose of this paper is to obtain permission from them to go forward with the next step (developing a full-blown business plan) for ToolsCorps strategic initiative to break into the global marketplace.Your groups paper should discuss the following (at a minimum):ToolsCorp Corporation is a fictitious company that does exist anywhere. For the purpose of this course, it is located it in Tennessee. It builds power tools, lawn mowers, lawn furniture, microwaves, and ranges. All products are manufactured locally and sold through large retailers. They have sale papers inserted in every Wednesday and Sunday paper. Although they have a thriving business in the United States and Canada, ToolsCorp is trying to break into the global marketplace.The deliverable length is at least 15 pages (cover page and reference page not included). As graduate business students, you are required to provide a well-researched and analyzed comprehensive response to every assignment question. Brief, vague, generic, or nondefinitive responses will not earn good grades.This group project requires a minimum of 15 scholarly sources, a minimum of 1 per page. You are welcome and encouraged to use the David textbook and the course materials for this course.For references, use the APA guide that is available as shown in the Virtual Campus under Interactive Learning.Remember that any paper longer than 10 pages requires the submission of an abstract.The Objective of the Unit 5 Group Project Assignment will involve the following the course outcomes and grading criteria with their respective percentages for the grading rubric:

MKT/421 MKT 421 MKT421 Week 5 Final Exam (UoP)
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June 27, 2020