Identify a significant change management initiative and critically assess the extent to which it has been successfully managed.

Essay papers online
May 16, 2020
Today, the Internet provides an unprecedented amount of information by way of blogs, videos, and podcasts.
May 16, 2020

Identify a significant change management initiative and critically assess the extent to which it has been successfully managed.

Identify a significant change management initiative and critically assess the extent to which it has been successfully managed.

Identify the rationale, objectives, planning activities, implementation strategies and evaluate them against ?best practice?: to what extent could the change be considered as being innovative; did it achieve the anticipated outcomes; were lessons learned; how could the innovative potential have been further enhanced?

You should adopt a case study style: set the scene, detail the history, examine and critique the outcomes, detail the lessons, and then suggest a way forward. You may select an ongoing or historical change, but please ensure you have access to all the relevant information.
EXTRA INFO, COURSE SCHEDULE AND MAIN TOPICS: Organisational opportunities and threats in today?s micro and macro operating environments

Impact, context and nature of change: understanding the barriers

Organizational culture and change

Systems intervention strategy

Organizational development
The change agent

Politics and change
Creativity and innovation

Digital Transformations and the Publishing Industry (Dr Matthew Allen)

A historical perspective on change (Dr Valerio Carratano)

Managing complexity in a global business: harnessing the power of the knowledge worker
Core text
Paton, R.A. and McCalman, J. (2008) Change Management: A guide to effective Implementation, 3rd Edition, Sage Publishing.

Indicative reading:

Beirne M (2006) Empowerment and innovation, Edward Elgar, Cheltenham (UK)

Csikszentmihalyi, M. (2006) ?A Systems Perspective on Creativity? in J. Henry Creative Management and Development, Third Edition, London: Sage, pp. 3-17

Dawson, P. and Buchanan, D. (2005) The way it really happened: Competing narratives in the political process of technological change, Human Relations, Vol. 58, No. 7, pp. 845-865.

Dawson, P. (2003) Understanding Organizational Change: The Contemporary Experience of People at Work, Sage, London

Gallouji, F. (2002) Innovation in the service economy: The New Wealth of Nations, Edward Elgar, Cheltenham (UK)

Balogun, J. and Hope-Hailey, V. (2008) Exploring Strategic Change, London: Pearson?s

Mayle, D. (2010) Managing Innovation and Change, Third Edition, London: Sage
Martin, G. (2006) Managing People and Organizations in Changing Contexts, Butterworth-Heinemann
Myers, P., Hulks, S. and Wiggins, L. (2012) Organizational Change: Perspectives on Theory and Practice, Oxford: Oxford University Press
Senior, B. And Fleming, J. (2006) Organizational Change, Third Edition, London: Prentice Hall/FT

Tidd, J., and Bessant, J. (2009) Managing innovation: integrating technological, market and organizational change, 4th edition, Wiley.

Additional reading:
Participants should consult a wide range of journals, as noted above; however, they may find the following of specific interest:

? European Management Journal
? International Journal of Operations Management
? Journal of Information Technology
? Journal of Knowledge Management
? Journal of Organizational Change