ideas and policies of Mercantilism

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May 10, 2020
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May 10, 2020

ideas and policies of Mercantilism

Part 1.
Did the ideas and policies of Mercantilism help or hinder economic growth in Europe in the early modern period?

Part 2
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de them. The colonies were being regulated and told what to do which led to smuggling and stealing among them. The colonies were being overly restricted and had little wealth to show for it while the home country was acquiring all thsi wealth for themselves. All the home country had to do was make laws and enforce taxes. Yes, this system though led to wars which made nations think they needed more wealth and traded more but it was abusing a great portion of the population. Trade was increasing but it was so limited because no one wanted to import and there were established trades. The growth was hindered by this limited trade.
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create a self sufficient nation state, and create greater profits through exports.  As the name says, mercantilism served the interests of merchants, and the British East India Company, which was an entity whos activities were protected by the state.