I have uploaded the Questions & Answers for my assignment.

Describe the steps taken to resolve the conflict or, if it is an ongoing conflict, propose steps to resolve the conflict.
July 26, 2020
Discuss a problem in the oceans, such as plastic pollution or acidification, or a problem in rivers or in our water supplies to connect China.
July 26, 2020

I have uploaded the Questions & Answers for my assignment.

I have uploaded the Questions & Answers for my assignment. However, the format that the questions have been answered is not acceptable for my professor. Therefore, I want you to answer the questions again and follow my instructions which are :-1-Change the schedule method used to answer the questions with a spreadsheet solving method ( NO EQUATIONS SHOULD BE SEEN IN THE SPREADSHEET)2-Draw the diagrams again as I DONT want to use the exciting diagrams even though they are 100% correct. I want different style of drawing even though the shape should be as same as the exciting ones.3-The spreadsheet answers have to inserted in the same word file answers. DONT DO THE SPREADSHEED SEPARATELY ( DONT PUT IT IN DIFFERENT EXCEL OR FILE)Send me a draft as soon as you can. DONT ANSWER THE QUESTIONS IF YOU DONT HAVE A FINANCE BACKGROUND