Hypothesis and research design

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Hypothesis and research design

POL S 205 Winter 2014

Homework #2

Develop a hypothesis and research design based on the research question and theory that you stated in last week’s homework assignment (Part II) or determine a new research question and potential theory of interest. Write up a brief (500 words or less) account in the following steps.

Research Question

1. (Re)state your research question.


2. (Re)state your theory.


3. Propose a hypothesis for answering your research question in which you identify how one IV might explain variation in the phenomenon you are trying to explain.

4. Is your hypothesis falsifiable? Explain how it could be proven wrong.

5. State why your IV should be related to the DV. What’s the causal reasoning?

6. What is the unit of analysis in your hypothesis?

7. State one potential alternative hypothesis.

Research Design

8. Consider both experimental and observational research designs. Which research approach makes the most sense for evaluating your hypothesis (defined in Question #3)? Why?

9. Specifically, what sources or data might you use to assess the relationship between the dependent