(P1)The introduction instructions:
A clear definition of what renewable and non-renewable sources are, including examples. Explanation of why renewable sources should be used over non- renewable. Includes an introduction on hydroelectric power. (It should be half a page)
(P2)how electricity is generated using Hydroelectric power:
Detailed description and diagram of how Hydroelectric energy is used to make electricity.
Explanation of how energy is transferred to show how the raw resource turns into electrical energy.(one page)
(P3)Advantages of Hydroelectric power:
Key points: Availability of fuel. Running costs. An explanation of how this fuel would help reduce the reliance on fossil fuels. Any positive impacts on environment compared to fossil fuels. Any further advantages.(one page)
(P4) Disadvantages of Hydroelectric power:
Key points: Costs of building a power station. Price of fuel. Availability of source. Waste/pollution generated. Environmental issues such as global warming or green house gases. Noise or visual pollution. Possible accidents or dangers that have occurred or may occur.(one page)
(P4) Conclusion:
Review of the key advantages and disadvantages. Based on the evidence, a summary on why this fuel should be used instead of oil, gas and coal.
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Posted on May 11, 2016Author TutorCategories Question, Questions