Human Resources (HR) international human resource management

pre-modern societie
June 8, 2020
Admission/Application Essay
June 8, 2020

Human Resources (HR) international human resource management

Human Resources (HR) international human resource management

Project description
in this report you are also required to find the Issues, Challenges, solution and the recommendation also you have to get 11 journal article no text book reference

Scenario: International Repatriation at Kakapo Enterprises.

The New Zealand based Kakapo Enterprises is one of New Zealand’s most successful MNEs. It is an international consultancy group offering a range of fully integrated corporate services. Kakapo Enterprises have offices in North America, Australia, Asia, Europe and the United Kingdom and the Head Office is in Auckland.

Despite the success of the MNE, the Kakapo Director of People and Organisations is concerned about talent management in the MNE. Although most of the assignments are between one and three years duration, Kakapo Enterprises is keen to increase the number of shorter term and commuter assignments as well.

Over the last five years repatriation has become a serious issue. An increasing number of employees elect to stay overseas and move to a different organisation. In addition the number of repatriates leaving within 12 months of repatriation has increased by 40% and within 2 years has increased by 60%.

The Director is very concerned about this turnover. Currently there is no specific Repatriation programme in place at Kakapo Enterprises. If this trend continues Kakapo Enterprises will not be able to staff key subsidiary positions from their international talent pool.

Report Assessment Requirements
You are a consultant with the international HR consultancy firm Global Talent and your company has been commissioned to write a report for the Director (People and Organisations), Kakapo Enterprises, on ‘Repatriation.’

In this report you are required to:

• Review the literature on Repatriation and other relevant International HRM literature and draw out the key challenges facing MNEs.

• Identify and outline recommendations that will result in the development of a comprehensive ‘Repatriation Programme’ for Kakapo Enterprises.
Report sections:
• Title page
• Executive summary
• Table of contents
• Introduction
• Literature Review
• Recommendations
• Reference list
To do well in this assessment you will need to demonstrate your skills in critical thinking and analysis. Consider how your writing is related to what you have learned this course – International HRM 467809. Draw on relevant International HRM knowledge across a range of topics including (but not limited to): international assignments, repatriation, training and development.

You must source at least eleven academic peer reviewed journal articles to use in your report. A reference list for the report using the APA style must be included.
Please note that there is a 10% penalty per day for work that is submitted late.

This assessment event is not compulsory. However it will be difficult to pass the course without completing this assessment.