How could taking an open system or a natural systems approach benefit managers?
March 17, 2020
world music
March 17, 2020

Human Resources (HR)

Human Resources (HR)


Corporate Website Recruiting Evaluation



Corporate Website Recruiting Evaluation


This assignment requires you to apply the materials in Chapter 5 and perform an analysis on 3 identified corporate websites. In addition, you are required to access UMUC’s online library and select a corporate website for student review. (see instructions below).


Part 1:


Students should access the following websites and for each website, answer the questions that follow relating to the company and its recruitment strategy.






Warning – please review each site’s terms of use/terms & conditions/legal restrictions. I am not asking you to violate any of these terms/restrictions. I am simply asking you to access the site, review the information and provide some analysis/evaluation from your point of view as an educational experience. Feel free to apply for any jobs that interest you along the way.




1. What is the name of this company? Describe the business of this company.

2. Is there a recruitment section? If yes, what do they call it? (What did you click on to find it?)

3. Is the recruitment section prominently displayed or did you have to search?

4. Do they utilize a realistic, branded, or targeted message in the information they convey? Tell me why you are of that opinion.

5. How does this relate to all we are studying?


Student Evaluation:

1. Consider and specifically evaluate the design factor considerations (specifically address #1-7) listed in Exhibit 5.9 of your text and give your own opinion on the factors.

Exhibit 5.9 Factors for Designing Organizational Websites


2. What suggestions would you make to improve the recruitment section of this website?


Part 2:


Access UMUC’s online library (or get it yourself online or in hard copy) (userID: MASUAKO Password: Darling123) and find Fortune magazine’s February 6, 2012 issue (Vol 165, Number 2). In that issue, there are articles discussing the 100 best companies to work for (according to Fortune).

1. Select one of the companies listed in “100 BEST COMPANIES TO WORK FOR”, access their corporate website, and answer all of the questions in Part 1 for the selected website.

2. Please identify their rank on “The List” and tell me why you selected this particular company.