IT Impact on Business Individual Assignment Academic Essay
September 11, 2020
Learning for the 21st century
September 11, 2020


.    From the e-Activity, use the provided map in Figure 1.4 of the textbook to classify each of Kellogg”s stakeholders according to each stakeholder”s salience (most noticeable or important) to the company. Suggest two (2) potential disadvantages associated with your classification of each stakeholder, and provide two (2) recommendations geared toward helping to minimize the potential adverse effects of your stakeholder placement on the company.


  1. According to Lawrence & Weber, aspects within the external environment of an organization are key considerations for analyzing the relationship between business and the society. Using Figure 1.6 in the textbook, examine one (1) dynamic force for its potential impact on a company of your choice. Specify two (2) fundamental reasons why the chosen company should pay particular attention to the dynamic force that you have examined within its external environment. Provide a rationale for your response.


  1. From the discussion case in Chapter 2, determine the degree to which Coca-Cola”s action is consistent with corporate social responsibility. Provide support for your rationale.


  1. Companies institute and practice Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) and Global Citizenship for different reasons. From the e-Activity, provide two (2) examples of the manner in which CSR programs and initiatives help companies and employees. Provide a rationale for your response.



  1. Ethics is a hot button topic. Ethical choices and decision making impact business, politics to personal matters. From your own experience, give an example of one (1) ethical dilemma you encountered recently. Using Figure 4.6 in the textbook, apply one (1) of the four methods of ethical reasoning to the dilemma in question, and provide two (2) advantages of your chosen method. Provide a rationale for your response.


  1. From the e-Activity, question the rationale behind GlaxoSmithKline”s unethical activities. Speculate on the major reasons why the pharmaceutical giant”s leadership may have encouraged such activities to continue. Next, provide at least two (2) examples of repercussions that the company may face from the public and government based on its unethical actions. Justify your response


  1. Many of us know Nestlé for making delicious chocolate, but the company also has a long rich history in social responsibility. The company supports nonprofit programs, embraces green (sustainable) practices and technology, and promotes eco-friendly products and ideas. From the e-Activity, use the Stages of Global Corporate Citizenship in Figure 7.1 of the textbook to evaluate the appropriateness of Nestlé”s global sustainability development efforts. Based on your evaluation, determine the stage of global corporate citizenship in which Nestlé best fits. Provide a rationale for your rationale
  2. Many environmentalists recognize the BP oil spill in the Gulf of Mexico as the worst oil spill in U.S. history. The spill severely damaged the gulf ecosystems, commercial fisheries and caused hundreds of people to get sick. Many people have argued that this problem could have been prevented with stronger regulations on the oil industry. After reviewing Chapter 8, examine the argument for and against the regulation of derivatives based on your readings and research. Suggest at least two (2) reasons the government should or should not regulate the trading of derivatives. Provide a rationale for your suggestions.


  1. You have learned that there are a lot of amazing companies throughout the world that are leading the charge in CSR and Global Citizenship. From the e-Activity, examine the most important ways in which the company that you have researched is implementing sustainable development. Evaluate the extent to which the sustainable development program contributes to profitability for the company in question. Provide at least two (2) examples of the profits the company has made to support your response. Provide a rationale for your suggestions.
  2. Technology can be both good and bad depending on how individuals use it. From the e-Activity, examine the key ways in which the company that you selected benefits from the influences of changing technological forces. Next, suggest two (2) potential threats that could result from your chosen company”s use of technology and two (2) approaches that the company could take to overcome the identified threats
  3. According to the text, recent disclosures of corporate scandals and unethical business practices have heightened the government and society”s attention to exorbitant CEO salaries. Examine the fundamental rationale behind corporations” decisions to pay executives such high salaries. Based on the discussion case in Chapter 14, judge whether the mandate under Section 951 of the Dodd-Frank Act sufficiently protects stockholders” rights and interests from been abused by business executives. Justify your response.