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Human Resource Management

Human Resource Management

Order Description
A HRM Plan (HRMP) sets out what strategies are required to practise HRM in an organisation. The purpose of a HRMP is to assist the organisation to achieve its mission and objectives through a systematic design and implementation of HRM strategies, policies and programs. The HRMP is built upon an understanding of the organisation’s vision, mission, values, strategies, policies, programs and challenges.
1. Choose any organisation and follow the steps below to develop a HRM plan.
Perform an organisational strategic analysis: Examine the vision, mission, values and challenges facing the organisation. (500 words)
2. Identify organisational issues arising from the strategic analysis: Building on the results of Step 1, identify and analyse the business issues facing the organisation ( 500 words).
3. Identify current HR issues: Identify and explain the ongoing HR issues impacting the organisation’s effectiveness. (500 words).
4. Prioritise the ongoing HR issues: Prioritise and examine at least five HR issues affecting the organisation. (500 words).
5. Draw up the HRM Plan: The HRM plan is to be formulated for the four prioritised HR issues. Each HRM plan should include objectives, KPI, implementation strategies and responsibility. (1000 words).