Human resource Academic Essay

Legacies of Human Evolutionary History Academic Essay
August 18, 2020
Assignment – Week 2 Academic Essay
August 18, 2020

Human resource Academic Essay

Identify and discuss HR-related news reports of stories that you run across during the week. Note that these must be current news stories discussing something relevant to HR. In many cases this will be something actually happening in the news such as a layoff or a court case. In other cases, this may be a story about a trend such as unemployment or new benefit trends. In each case, they must be currently in the news (no more than two weeks old). Tell us about the story and give us the source in APA format. If the source is available online (such as or other news outlets), give us the URL; do not cut and paste the article as this may be a copyright infringement. The current events assignment is one way that we will make the course very current and explores the many HR related issues that are constantly in the news. Demonstrate that you can find credible sources that will keep you proficient and knowledgeable in the field. This assignment directly relates to Course Competency # 5: “Demonstrate a familiarity with HR-related current events and identify sources of information on HR issues to stay proficient and knowledgeable in the field and to ensure business results.”

Your current event should identify the source, meet the criterion of current event, and be discussed as to its relevance. Discuss current event posts of your classmates. Each weekly current event should be at 250-500 and include the full reference for the current event and a discussion as to its details and relevance to your remaining proficient and knowledgeable in the field of HR. Be prepared to discuss in class. Here is the grade rubric, which will be used for each current event. Note the criterion highlight

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Posted on May 31, 2016Author TutorCategories Question, Questions