Human nature can be difficult to understand alone without the rest of nature. Although many people have not accepted evolution due to the argument that human beings originate from the monkey family. The idea that humans are animals both body and mind may be difficult for many to understand and accept. The conviction is that human beings are the most intelligent creatures in the world because of the things they do such as making tools, learning, have culture, and have self-awareness. Human intellect is superior to that of the chimpanzees, but they also behave more or less like human beings. The chimpanzees, according to studies strive for power, look for affection and security, enjoy sex, cooperate, and fight for power just like human beings. Human beings may use cell phones, drive vehicles, or fly an airplane, but the fact is that their psychological make-up is that of a social primate.
Human nature and behavior can only be understood by evolution although many people will not like to associate themselves with the other primates. Just like human beings, other primates live in organized groups with rules and inhibitions and assist one another. There is a pillar of morality in their character and behavior in all primates. Humans will always offer a helping hand to the ape family and feel pain whenever they are wounded showing a connection between the two creatures. Similarly, other primates like the apes and chimpanzees offer empathy to each other just like the humans. Some experiments have shown that chimpanzees open doors for their companions and share food. The animals in the ape family offer help to others the same way human do to one another indicating major similarities between human beings and the other primates. The primates have a moral order yet humans do not want to accept that there is a close connection between them and other animals. Animals and birds have the cognitive ability, which can be proven by their ability to recognize themselves in the mirror and others have their personality traits. Probably the changes that propelled the humans to their exceptions are mutations in the genes and chromosomes. Darwin tried to explain why human beings are so unique and different from other animals. Some zoologists argue that the accumulation of some random gene mutations is the cause of evolution especially the symbiogenesis that explains the behavioral, psychological, and genetic fusion of many beings. The presence of a big brain in humans enables information processing and the ability to plan for the future, unlike other animals.
Darwinian Theory explained development in human beings details such as the gradual change in DNA due to natural selection proof that animals had a common ancestor. Scientists who believe in God especially in America are simply theistic evolution list. One of the characteristics of human beings is the knowledge of the right and wrong or the moral law. Human beings have been trying to do well and avoid evil and are always offering some form of defense whenever they break the law. The phenomenon indicates the human nature allows them to differentiate the right and wrong in the society. Many in the society admire human behaviors such as generosity, which are aimed at assisting the less fortunate in the society. Evolution psychology gives some light on human nature through various theories such as multilevel selection theory, sexual selection, good genes, and strong reciprocity. There are new aspects of human nature as developed by which has developed the evolutional theory more. The good genes sexual selection theory helps in the understanding of various human behaviors such as humor, dancing skills, and music.
Human sexuality and sexual behavior define the similarity of humans to the other animals and the uniqueness when it comes to sex lives. Sex is considered as a female service from the male in many animals including humans. Human evolution has made then more flexible when it comes to matters exploitation opportunities like sex, unlike the animals where sex is guided by their strong instinct. Human sexuality has a relationship with the cultural evolution in which humans have evolved from being hunters and gatherers to more established homes. In such cases, men’s role was to hunting and protecting their families while woman maintained homes and took care of the family members. Men are driven by power took many wives in the ancient times just as it happens in some powerful presidents of today. Evolution tends to maintain a population full of breeders and in early evolution;Human females have evolved to select males with good genetic traits that can produce an offspring with the best adaptations. Females have a role to raise the young ones, therefore, can delay their reproduction rate. In several species, males pay for sex by providing food to the females, and human males have evolved more to use the money to pay for sex. Prostitution is, therefore, an evolution in which men seek sexual favors using money and other valuables. Sexual behavior in mammals is out of sexual instincts, learned behavior, opportunity, and habits such as a male deciding to stay with the family to bring up the young ones. Human beings have evolved to this level, and most males are now monogamous.
Comparative biology and evolution history show that mating in the hominid ancestors was among the most powerful and dominant males, which could have access to many sexual partners. The females were completely submissive, but relative equality has emerged due to the responsibility associated with raising up a family. Humans are now in monogamous marriages and with fewer children through the conscious relationship with their wives. During the earlier times, marriages were arranged by families but nowadays males and females choose their own partners a factor that in today’s modern marriages. The coming up of urban centers and development of mechanized agriculture has brought about the division of labor among different genders. The purpose of marriage has changed from procreation to a more meaningful life involving a man and a woman and their children. Marriages and families of today are out of love rather that just social live. Christian marriages emphasize one-man, one-woman marriages, and divorce is not allowed. Nowadays women have realized their freedom and economic power leading to increased rates of separation and divorce in addition to sex outside marriage. The other issues that have emerged are teenage pregnancies, prostitution, sexual and physical abuse, psychological problems, and drug abuse. Such factors have compromised the purpose of marriage and family with some resulting in same-sex marriages. The meaning of marriage and family life has evolved throughout the ages starting with the economic and social bonding of families and tribes to religious and legal marriages to the modern day personal covenant based on love and devotion. In the recent times, many forms of marriages are common such as delayed marriages, serial marriages, blended families, single-parent and stepfamilies, and co-habitation. Intercultural and inter-racial marriages are now very common, and technology plays a bigger role in this as many meet and arrange for marriages via the social media.
Psychopathology studies the adaptive behaviors such as sexual intercourse, acquiring mates, siring offspring, bonding with parents and young ones, stranger anxiety, and any other human behavior. Culture affects human behavior and leads to the evolution of psychological mechanisms. Evolution psychology determines behavioral sociobiology although it has some connections with genetics. The field is important to explain the mental illness in humans since the mind, and the body were made separately. Thinking is essential for humankind and makeshunger sensed through body organs with the help of the brain. Brain damage has the effect of disrupting the ability of humans to interpreted external stimuli through memory loss. Different emotions involve the functioning of the human brain through its modules each with a definite function.
In human stratification, human differ from each other in different societies on the basis of such things as their sex, age, and personal characteristics. Therefore, human society is not and homogenous one but heterogeneous both naturally and socially. Status, power, income, and property lead to social inequality and, therefore, social stratification is a form of inequality. Societies have evolved to classify their members in terms of superiority, equality, and inferiority in which some people occupy higher ranks than others do. Society is nowadays divided into various strata of different social groups and members in the same strata have a common identity and live a similar lifestyle. For example, the Indian caste systems there are various social classes. The modern stratification is quite different from the one practiced by the primitive societies. The other kinds of classification are based on class, estate, and slavery with the latter coming to an end. In slavery, each slave must have a master who commands and controls the life of the slave.
Morality is biological and depends on how much humans have evolved and were also importance for survival and reproduction. Moral values on the selection of kin and care for the closest relative such as children enable their survival to maturity. Some other moral values enable care for mates in animals and human beings. Sympathy is also a moral value concerned with the social wellbeing of closely related individuals such that when one is affected, the others join in. Human beings have evolved and have a larger brain to enable learning of great things such as language. Learning enables humans to improve their thinking capacity compared to other animals bringing about civilization. Moral behaviors enable survival of communities through mutual respect and love for all family members. Some beliefs enable certain communities to survive such as the Hebrews who believed in loving their neighbors.
Nationalism is an important factor in today’s society as it creates a home for human beings in various countries. Nationalism resulted from the enlightenment of individuals and societies. The evolving nature of human beings has led them to acquire knowledge on various issues such as culture and religion. Nationalism came about as human struggled for national superiority, and nowadays nationalism is viewed as a reaction to the cultural, ideological imperialism. Nationalism brings about unity and a mechanism for self-determination and positive liberty. Evolution of nationalism has brought about racial discrimination and wars as individuals want association with their culture and society and not others. In the past societies achieved their nation spirit through several wars but in the today’s society more civilized methods are applied to achieve nationalism and peace. Nationalism enables individuals justify their place in the international system and the Diaspora.
Human nature is complex, and many factors have contributed to the modern human beings through evolution. Humans are believedsingle-parent and stepfamilies are common in addition to foster families. The family unit has also led to nationalism as people identify themselves with their nations for development purposes. Moral values have also changed greatly, and human beings are now civilized through learning and technology advancement. Human nature has undergone many changes starting from the behavior, their way of life, and their moral values.