See the link above to view the film about the Minotaur.

self analysis
June 15, 2020
The Diversity Movement
June 15, 2020 See the link above to view the film about the Minotaur. See the link above to view the film about the Minotaur.
It’s not what we think about the story; it’s what

the story makes us think about.
Please consider the following five questions
or you may comment on any parts of any questions collectively.
However, please choose only three points to discuss
. Respond with a 1000 word essay. You should look to the
myth to explain your opinions. Quoting from
the story is a good idea.
Please compose five
-paragraphs (intro, body, and concluding).
Be sure to
title your essay.
1 It’s been said, “The sins of the father are visited upon the son.” Perhaps it is true of the Minotaur who
suffered the wrath of Poseidon because of the
greed and hubris of his father, Minos. Should we therefore
pity the beast
? Why? What do we learn when we consider the Minotaur’s story?
2.The Minotaur represents the animal and the human in us. What does such a statement mean? Could the
human side of Minotaur
possibly have
emerged? Could he have one day felt remorse and if so what
would his remorse mean? What might have resulted if his
story were different?
3. Pasiphae lusted for the bull. How are we to judge her? What if instead of suffering Poseidon’s curse, it
was genetics that made her lustful? Because she performed an abominable act she would be shunned by
society. Can you think of a modern analogy of
this story to discuss?
4.The hero is Theseus. Sometimes a young generation can change circumstances that seem permanent and
inevitable to older generations. How have young people today “slain a Minotaur” and changed the
5.If the Minotaur baby had been taken from his parents by child-
services, what could have happened and