2.1 Project Title
HTML5 vs Adobe Flash (Testing)
2.2 Academic Question
What is the future of HTML5 and Flash for the development of web designing and testing?
2.3 Aims
To investigate the features available in HTML5 and Adobe Flash
To compare the advantages and disadvantages of HTML5 for Flash Applications
Develop a HTML5 website for TESTING Flash content
Website will be used for Testing and Development purposes
Evaluate the results of the prototype.
2.4 Objectives
Choose a HTML5 Flash as example.
Creating a HTML5 Website.
Testing the website on different format. E.g. Windows PC, Apple Mac, Mobile Devices
Define positive and negative sides of HTML5 and Adobe flash.
2.5 Artefact (proposed) to be developed (in brief)
The artefact for this project is a HTML5 website flash video that will demonstrate the use of flash on certain mobile devices to see if it plays and how it handles flash. The HTML5 website will also be responsive in its design;this means that the website automatically renders everything, for example, the image size, text, table to the screen size of the mobile devices.
3.1 Introduction
HTML5 is the latest version of Hypertext Markup Language; it is used for structuring and presenting content for the World Wide Web. The major part of the HTML5 framework is that it is cross-platform, which means it whether you’re using a notebook, tablet or a smartphone: if your browser supports HTML5, it should work perfectly.Xian, S. (2014).
HTML5 is often compared to Adobe Flash as both include features for playing audio and video within web pages. However the two technologies are very different. There are many Flash capabilities that have no direct equal in HTML5. In addition to this, in order for HTML5 to be used for animation or interactivity, itneeds to be supplemented with CSS3 or JavaScript.
JavaScript (JS) is a programming language used to make web pages interactive; it is designed for performing dynamic task. The major web browsers, such as Internet Explorer, Firefox and Safari, have built in JavaScript support.
Cascading Style Sheets (CSS) is a style sheet language used for change the look and formatting of a document written in HTML language. It allows the users to change the Font text and Size, Background colour and image and many more. CSS is a very important in creating web applications and mobile application
When it comes to designinga website, there are lots of variables to think of and a considerable measure of choices to be contemplated. There are various apparatuses, programming language and perspectives to contemplate.Nevertheless, in the event that you are looking to make the site more intuitive, everything limits down to two advances: HTML5 and Adobe Flash. My research project proposal will stand up in assessing the two advances from different angles, allowing you to make an informed decision to find a good fit for your needs. On the off chance that you are new to web design and are not exceptionally acquainted with the innovations and different perspectives.(Heldman, W. (2012)
I will be demonstrating the use of flash on different mobile devices to see how mobile devices handle flash.
3.2 Initial Research into sources of information
By producing a HTML code myself I aim to introduce the user to CSS. Javascript and HTML5 framework. This will allow them to focus on building sites, and test them on multiple browsers and mobile devices. It relates to the academic question as I am not only finding which flash video players support of HTML5 and Mobile Devices but I am devising a new code and learning about HTML5 markup language as I test and recollect support when I run my own code.
For example a sample of the code will look like this:
<!doctype html>
<html lang=”en”>
<meta charset=”utf-8?>
<meta name=”description” content=”The HTML5 Herald”>
<meta name=”author” content=”AuthorName”>
<link rel=”stylesheet” href=”css/styles.css?v=1.0?>
<script src=””>
Adobe Flash has been around virtually since the start of the Internet. That being said, possibly not it’s correct starting, yet whenever we began seeing forward advancement on a site, chances are you were taking a look at a bit of Flash substance.(Heldman, W. (2012)Adobe-flash utilises compartments to store the intelligent substance, which are then rendered in programs utilising a plugin – Flash Player. Since the substance of the compartment don’t transform from one stage onto the next, flash substance is fundamentally stage autonomous, so whether you’re viewing a Flash-built site on your PC or on a mobile device, it will appear identical.Apple does not allow the use of Flash to run on iOS, the operating system which runs on iPhone, iPad, iPod, iTouch and Apple TV. Apple has stated that it has no plans to do so.Jobs, Steve (April 2010). Apple has been promoting HTML5 as an alternative to Adobe Flash for video and other content on the iOS, citing performance reasons for not permitting Adobe Flash Player to be installed on iOS devices.
HTML5 make use of a differentapproach, utilising simple code to produce the intelligent substance. This implies that the components are not pre-made in a careful structure and put away, but instead have their attributes coded and have the program render the real substance when the page is stacked. Hence, a HTML5 page can look and carry on contrastingly when gotten to from distinctive programs, making it a favour for web creators that need to make diverse renditions of their site for diverse stages, and a true ache for the individuals who recently need to make a site have a striking resemblance on all gadgets.(Georgenes, C. (2013)
Flash holds the high ground, on account of its life span, which interprets into a vast asset pool and a considerably bigger group to trade thoughts with. HTML5, then again, is still in its infancy and a genuinely new engineering, so its capabilities are still limited as of right now. This is inclined to change, however, since the quantity of adopters’increases, yet there is still a lengthy, difficult experience ahead. All things considered, you can’t expect an innovation that is simply a couple of years old to get up to speed and surpass an engineering that is been being used for almost two decades. Still, in the event that it won’t have the capacity to surpass it, HTML5 may join it – it’s hard to believe, but it’s true, HTML5 substance plays pleasantly with Flash substance. (Georgenes, C. (2013)
Conveying Flash substance is simple: you simply transfer the compartments to your server, incorporate the suitable code into your site and beg that the guest has Flash Player introduced. Believe it or not, Flash substance depends completely on a variable that planners can’t control – whether the guest has Flash Player introduced or not. Despite the fact that the plugin is allowed to download, it is excluded, of course, in a large portion of the programs out there, so unless the client introduces it physically, Flash substance won’t run.
HTML5 substance lives up to expectations in an unexpected way: you transfer the records to your server, you make the code and the entire thing is assembled by the program, without any outer plugins being important. On the other hand, HTML5 has a drawback of its own at this part, in particular the way that more seasoned programs don’t render it effectively or don’t render it whatsoever.
Google Chrome is the program with the best backing for HTML5, furthermore one of the not very many programs that accompany the Flash Plugin introduced of course.
Performance and Usability
New advances are typically made to be more powerful than the innovations they intend to supersede and replace. This applies to this situation too, as the sum handling force required by the program to render a HTML5-based page is extensively lower than the measure of transforming force required to run Flash substance. This is one of HTML5’s solid focuses and a major selling point, particularly considering the way that many individuals use mobile phones or tablets to scan the Internet, gadgets which have restricted execution.(Shuman, J. (2011)
In the pre HTML5 time, planners used to make distinctive site renditions for diverse
gadgets, so when you got to the site from your PC you would get one version, while accessing it from a mobile device would get you a stripped-down form. This led to extensive and eye-catchingsubstance being extremely restricted or totally lost. HTML5 means to address that by being lighter on assets and by giving the fashioners a simple approach to make varieties of their site to get the best execution on the stage that is constantly used to get to the site.
To put it simple, HTML5 is free while Flash is most certainly not. To be all the more clear, so as to stopconfusion: HTML5 is free, as you can compose your entire code in Notepad in the manner that you’d like to; nonetheless, you will need to make your pictures and/or videoson different programs, which may include extra programming, for example, Photoshop.
Flash content, on the other side, has its devoted advancement environment, which you need to purchase. On the upside, the Adobe Flash environment accompanies essentially all that you have to make what you have to do, andthat you require extra programming, for example, Photoshop, chances are you can get a really decent arrangement since both Photoshop and Flash are produced by Adobe.
Since both HTML5 and Flash are compelling innovations, and since each one accompanies its own particular preferences and inconveniences, it is protected to say that they’re both victors. Everything relies on upon what you require them for.(Stevens, L. & Owen, R. (2014)
Regarding running on Linux and Mac OS X, HTML5 exceeds expectations and it has been demonstrated that HTML5 substance eclipses Flash by running 58% speedier than Flash applications. It has likewise been demonstrated that Flash is not extraordinary for mobile phones and laptops while HTML5 leads the pack in these territories. Adobe Flash additionally consumes more power and is not perfect with a touch screen. In view of this, Flash causes a gadget to heat up as requires more processing power to run. HTML5 then again is perfect with touch screens and it doesn’t have any issues with any gadget.
3.3 Artefact (proposed)
The HTML5 website will be created using PSPad, The website will be used for Testing purposes. The website will be based on flash video to test it accessibility and usability on certain devices to see if it plays and what’s needed. The website will also be mobile-friendly. Example of the Video code for HTML5 which I will be using for testing is as show below.
The HTML <video> Element
<video width=”320? height=”240? controls>
<source src=”movie.mp4? type=”video/mp4?>
<source src=”movie.ogg” type=”video/ogg”>
Your browser/Mobile does not not compatible.
My artefact will ensure the user gains full knowledge of what they have programmed and how it is supported on browsers and mobile devices.
3.5 References
All cited articles should be listed alphabetically in Harvard Style
Flanagan, David; Ferguson, Paula (2006). JavaScript: The Definitive Guide (5th ed.). O’Reilly & Associates.
Heldman, W. (2012). Adobe Flash Professional CS6 Essentials. New York: Wiley.
Heldman, W. (2012). Adobe Flash Professional CS6 Essentials. New York: Wiley.
Georgenes, C. (2013). How to cheat in Adobe Flash CS6 the art of design and animation. Burlington, MA: Focal P
Jobs, Steve (April 2010). “Thoughts on Flash“. Apple Inc. Retrieved May 1, 2010.
Shuman, J. (2011). Adobe Flash CS5 revealed. Clifton Park, NY, USA: Delmar Cengage Learning.
Stevens, L. & Owen, R. (2014). The truth about HTML5. New York, N.Y: Apress.
Xian, S. (2014).The History of HTML5.
(HTML Basic Structure)
(HTML5 Video Element)
Web-based Mobile Apps of the Future Using HTML 5, CSS and JavaScript. HTML Goodies. Retrieved October 2014.