We are supposed to draw a lineweaver burke plot to calculate the Km and Vmax, which I am able to do, except the units for the substrate are supposed to be micromolar, which I have, but the reaction velocity is supposed to be sketched in micromolar/minute and we are only given optical density/minute. How to you convert Optical density/minute to micromolar/minute based on the given information?? Substrate Concentration: (micromolar) 0 2.31 4.61 9.23 18.45 36.90 55.35 73.80 92.23 Optical Density/ Minute (Reaction velocity) 0 .2 .37 .55 .89 1.32 1.4 1.46 1.52 Product Standard Concentration Curve: Product Concentration (micromolar) 0 1.42 2.84 5.67 11.34 17.01 Absorbance at 405nm 0 .09 .21 .39 .81 1.19