How to use less Paper nowadays in School to save the Environment

Markt320 w10 & 11 for Prof Josef Woodson
September 5, 2020
Legal Forms of Business
September 5, 2020

How to use less Paper nowadays in School to save the Environment

How to use less Paper nowadays in School to save the Environment

Conservation in the 21sthat are threatening sustainable growth economically, socially and the environment. For such reason, the world continues to face a threatening situation for its resources if action is not taken with urgency. The essay explores, therefore, for this matter, on how institutions can participate towards environmental conservation. Most of the institutions such Oregon University are host to immense number of students who everyday use materials that ends up polluting the institution environment. The essay paper evaluates measures that can be tried and tested by the institution management and the students in support for conservation and a green environment.

Causes of Pollution at Oregon University

As noted with many institutions of learning, numerous materials are used by both the students and lecturers such as writing materials, files, books, printing materials, etc. the majority of the raw materials used to manufacture most the learning material are borrowed from the forestfi p. 26)

Clubs within the institution can also participate in such activities that advocate for a green environment that would promote sustainability of the environment within the institution and beyond. At the same time, due to global concerns the management of the institution should also liars with organizational bodies that advocate for conservation activities, as well as sustainable development, in order to help in the implementation of such projects within the institution.

Frequently, several learning materials distributed by the lecturers to students end up being disposed of in the institution facilities, after their use by students. Mostly, this behavior has continued to impact the environment negatively, as the demand for more learning materials continues to increase in the institution. Everyday within the University, regular bulk printing is done for different purposes that continue to threaten the environment, as most of this paper are produced from the United States and beyond. Such activities are norms that can be stopped and controlled but with the participation of the institution management and the student fraternity.

Alternatives for use of paper Materials in the Institution

It’s possible for an institution such as Oregon University to strategies on the way forward towards conserving the environment. The management should evaluate the use of new technology in the issuance of learning materials and student pursuant of CATs and assignments online. The institution should also streamline it objectivity towards environmental conservation by establishing policies that argument the usage of technology in learning (Erin p. 61). A program such as the e-leaning where the student can sit for their CATs and submit assignment can be considered and implemented by the institution. Through such program, student are also able to one on one interaction with their lectures as learning materials can as well be sent online.

In order for such a project to have a full implementation, the institution management must also improve the technological infrastructure such internet installation, purchase of more computers and individual tablets. Training for both students and the lecturer, is vital, as they are entrusted with the implementation process for such a project. Objectively, the institution ought to conduct a survey to identify the impacts of such a project and its advantages towards the environment, students, and the institution. Other key areas such as office paperwork can also be reduced by a significant amount if such a project is implemented by the management.

The advantages of having a policy by the institution that address the measures towards environmental conservation drastically could influence the current circular process of deforestation. By such, individuals would concentrate on other means of livelihood, especially for those relying on the forest for a source of living. Similarly, waste materials would be reduced within the institution, as lecturers and students would turn to new technological methods of writing, doing an assignment, communication, accessing books and exchanging data.

If such a project is properly implemented, then, the institution can begin to advocate for the implementation of such a project within other institutions of learning and other areas of work.

The institution management should also educate the students on why paper work use would remain unacceptable for learning with the institution facility. Through campaigns, the institution can create awareness among the public the important of conserving trees. At the same time, the institution management should keep in mind that if the same project is not implemented everywhere, something can still be done to reduce the cutting of trees. But the community ought to be sensitized through the students and the media, in partnership with the government, on the need to conserve the environment for sustainability (Thierry p.37).


Challenges in the implementation of digital learning at Oregon University

It’s important for the institution to identify key areas of challenges in the implementation process of the digital learning. By identifying such problems, the institution might at one point be in a position to know how to counter such challenges if they emerged, but only if proper plans and policies are implemented. Major challenges of such a project of digital learning may include problems such pirating for institution learning materials. These materials may include manuals, books and other important information that might end up in the wrong hands.

Misunderstanding by student and lecturers may also be a major challenge, especially in the implementation process. Many students may take the time to connect the need to stop using paperwork in school especially reading materials such as books and how this would contribute to environmental conservation. Students, for instance, may argue that using computers to read books online might be a tiresome process and, therefore, the need to have physical books. The institution should be prepared to sensitize the students on the main objective of such a project and its implication towards environmental conservation.

Other challenges the institution should be prepared for is complications that arise if the corrupts of the digital learning system. It would mean loss of bulk data for the institution and well as for both students and lecturers. At the same time, the college is at risk of becoming unfunctional as the corrupt of the system would interrupt learning. In addition, cases such as that of outsiders downloading the university learning materials illegally should be controlled to control losses for the institution. Moreover, the management should make it easier for the student to access the learning materials online whether it’s by students purchasing learning materials online or by free access. This would facilitate smooth flow in the implementation process.


Change and acceptability of such a project implementation process must begin with the students, lecturers, and the management. Digital learning has been tried and implemented in other places including the institution of learning globally, but for different reasons. By addressing matters of the environmental conservation in the digital learning project, the institution would then be in the leading frontier in advocating for reducing paper work use in the higher institution of learning.

Works Cited

Erin, Redman, Advancing educational pedagogy for Sustainability: Developing and

implementing programs to transform behaviors, International Journal of Environmental

And Science Education, Vol. 8, No. 1, 1-34 January 2013. Print.

Kofi, Annan, We, the Peoples: The Role of the United Nations in the 21st Century, United

Nations, New York, 2000. Print.

Thierry, Claudia, Higher education needs to engage in outreach-based research,

University World News, 26th August 2012. Print.

