How to make an antibody to a specific protein

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How to make an antibody to a specific protein

1. How can we make an antibody to a specific protein?
2. In what ways can this antibody be used as a molecular tool in studying this protein?
3. Explain the difference between an allosteric and competitive inhibitor.
4. What are the four levels of protein organization? Explain them.

5. In SDS-Page, proteins are separated by length. If the same length proteins can fold into loose (bigger) or condensed (smaller) shapes and can even complex with other proteins, how are individual proteins separated solely according to their length? Additionally, proteins can have different charges. Proteins with more basic amino acids have a greater negative charge while proteins with more acidic amino acids have a greater positive charge. Proteins travel from the negative electrode to positive electrode in SDS-Page. How does their intrinsic charge not affect their migration (true for most proteins)?