How the Civil War helped the Railroad Industry

chronic disease risk and prevention through physical fitness
July 4, 2020
OMM 640 Final Paper -Code of Ethics
July 5, 2020

How the Civil War helped the Railroad Industry

Students are required to write a research paper not less than 10 and not more than 15 pages that examines an aspect of the American Civil War.

Students’ written assignment grade will be based upon the following:

Integration of key concepts (demonstrate clear understanding of key concepts from the course, integrate and apply concepts to a real conflict situation)
analytical quality (critical thinking, ability to contrast and compare ideas, arrive at conclusions and supports arguments)
assignment focus (meets the required objectives set forth in the assignment)
presentation (Chicago Manual of Style format correctly used, clarity, organization, grammar, and spelling)
Students are required to email in the topic for approval and an outline of the paper – see assigned dates in time line chart. The final paper must be typed and in Chicago Manual of Style format, 1-inch margins, 12-point Times New Roman font, and double-spaced.  Papers must include both footnotes and a bibliography.  A minimum of five sources external to the course must be used, of which at least half of your sources must be published books (i.e., not the Internet, although electronic books are OK).