How stroke volume changed due to septic shock

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How stroke volume changed due to septic shock

Question: T.J. and Tyler were building a tree-house. While searching for a board in a pile of used lumber, T.J. stepped on a rusty nail that penetrated deep into his foot, causing it to bleed. Neither T.J. nor Tyler wanted to tell their parents about the accident, but after three days, T.J. developed septic shock. His foot had become infected and the infection had spread into his bloodstream. After reading this chapter and recalling information about the structure and function of the heart described in chapter 20, explain how T.J.’s blood volume, blood pressure, heart rate, and stroke volume changed due to septic shock. Also, explain how blood flow in the periphery changed and how it affected T.J.’s appearance. Finally, explain the consequences if T.J.’s blood pressure remained abnormally low for a prolonged period of time.