How significant was the slave trade to the development of the Atlantic economy

Assignment 3: Persuasive Paper Part 1: A Problem Exists  
October 18, 2020
Credit Data Solutions
October 18, 2020

How significant was the slave trade to the development of the Atlantic economy

6. Michael Cowen and Robert Shenton, ‘Bankers, Peasants and Land in British West Africa 1905-1937′, Journal of Peasant Studies 19, 1 [checks], pages 26-58 [UEL library].

7. Jeff Grischow, ‘Corruptions of Development in the Countryside of the Northern Territories of the Gold Coast, 1927-57′, Journal of Peasant Studies 26, 1, pp 139-58 [checks], pages 26-58 [UEL library].
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? Vol. 3: Social Change, edited by Victor Turner.
? Vol. 4: Economics of Colonialism, edited by L. H. Gann & Peter Duignan.
12. Andrew D. Roberts ed. The Colonial moment in Africa : essays on the movement of minds and materials, 1900-1940, (1990).
13. J. Lonsdale and B. Berman, Unhappy Valley Book 1: State and Class, chapters 4-7.
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21. E.A. Brett, Colonialism and Underdevelopment in East Africa [1978].
22. John Iliffe, Africans : the history of a continent, Cambridge : Cambridge University Press 1995.