How should the U.S.A. government defend the country from terrorism?

SEM #2
June 17, 2020
show Unwrapped on Food Network or How It’s Made on the Discovery Channel
June 17, 2020

How should the U.S.A. government defend the country from terrorism?

How should the U.S.A. government defend the country from terrorism?

Compose 3-pages paper choosing position on how U.S. should protect itself from terrorism and give several reasons, supported by evidence, for arguing in favor of your position. You are not required to describe a detailed solution for the situation. You need briefly indicate your possible answer to the problem. Try to include a few relevant sources to make your argument more relevant. To highlight your argumentative point, contrast some opposing ways of U.S. terrorism protection that are not so effective. In conclusion, sum up all arguments and propose issue solution.