How much distance is between these two genes on chromosome

Optimal temperature for enzyme function
May 6, 2020
Which phenomenon accounts for movement of these genes
May 6, 2020

How much distance is between these two genes on chromosome

Q1. A fruitfly with red eyes and leg bristles (genotype RrBb) was mated with a white-eyed fly lacking bristles (rrbb). Five hundred offspring were counted, with the follow results-

58 Rrbb offspring; 62 rrBb offspring; 200 RrBb offspring; 180 rrbb offspring.

Based on these results, how much distance is between these two genes on chromosome?

Q2. If a maize plant is heterozygous for the alleles for pigmy and crinkly-leaf (both recessive to normal size of plant (S) and normal leaf (L) is self pollinated and 208 seeds are subsequently collected and germinated, how various would you expect to show-

a) Crinkly leaves

b) Normal size

c) Normal leaves normal size

d) normal leaves and pigmy size