How many deuterium atoms will be incorporated

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How many deuterium atoms will be incorporated

Palmitic acid is synthesized in vitro with purified substrates and fatty acid synthase. (If you use standard carbon numbering for fatty acids there is no need to draw the structure of palmitic acid in your answers).

a. If [2-14C]acetyl-CoA is supplied (14CH3-CO-S-CoA), how many carbon(s) in palmitate will be 14C-labeled and at what position(s)? The other substrates in the reaction are not radioactive.

b. If [3-14C]malonyl-CoA (14CO2-CH2-CO-S-CoA) is used in the reaction, how many carbon(s) in palmitate will be 14C-labeled and at what positions? The other substrates in the reaction are not radioactive.

c. If the malonyl-CoA is supplied with both hydrogens on the malonyl group as deuteriums (CO2-CD2-CO-S-CoA) how many deuterium atoms will be incorporated into palmitate and to which carbons will they be attached? Assume the reaction is performed in a dilute solution of nondeuterated water.