How has language helped you become who you are and how might it be involved in determining who you will be in future?

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How has language helped you become who you are and how might it be involved in determining who you will be in future?

Language is very important in one’s life. The importance of language in one’s growth and development is well documented. People use language both as a medium of interaction as well as a tool to acquire knowledge It has played a very important role in helping me become the person I am today(Rodriguez, 2004, p. 218). One can easily tell that language will play a very important role in determining who I will be in the future.

So far, every achievement I have made in life has something to do with language. It has been my main mode of expressing myself, both when I am happy and when I am annoyed I have always used language to tell others of my feelings and my desires(Rodriguez, 2004, p. 217). Language has helped me get to understand the world around me.   Language enables communication and through communication people form bonds and social groupings. Through these social groupings, I have been able to better myself and get closer to achieving my dreams.

Language does not always bring an understanding. Sometimes language leads to a misunderstanding. This could be as a result of people having different interpretations of what was said or misunderstanding resulting from one party being incompetent in a certain language. The fact that people speak many different languages can also lead to a misunderstanding (Ashanti, 2010, p. 110). The understanding that people from different cultures speak different languages has enabled me realize that people have different ways of describing events and incidences in their lives. Interacting with people from that culture to be difficult without first attempting to learn their language can be difficult. Hence language has played a key role in determining both who I am and how well I interact with people.

Language is very useful and is beneficial in almost all situations. I use it both for fun as well as for serious business. While speaking different languages makes people appear like they are very different from one another they actually have more similarities than most people are willing to admit. Differences in grammar, alphabet and pronunciations do not necessarily mean that people are totally different (Ashanti, 2010, p. 111). Language enables one to make sense of my experiences as well experiences presented by other people. Through language, I have been able to learn my culture, as well as other cultures. This has resulted in me having a better understanding of both who I am as well as my surroundings.

Language will in a big way be involved in determining who I will be in future. My career to a large extent depends on language. That explains why learning language is mandatory for students wishing to pursue same career as me. Most organizations have realized how important language is to their success. Hence they are giving preference to graduates to who are competent in the various languages they use (Sayer, 2006, p.19). A person who understands the language and the culture of the people he interacts with is likely to succeed better compared to one who does not.

Other than establishing casual relationships, language is also used to establish economic relations. It plays a major role in shaping perceptions about what is real and what is not. One’s idea of reality plays a major role in determining what path in life he will take. Hence language will play a major role in determining what I will become in future. How well I use language will affect both social interactions and my career.

Works cited

Richard Rodriguez, Hunger of Memory: The Education of Richard Rodriguez. New York: Dial

Press Trade, 2004. Print

Young, Vershawn Ashanti, “Should Writers Use They Own English?.” Iowa Journal of Cultural

Studies 2010, Vol 12 No. 10, 110-117

Andrew Sayer, Language and significance – or the importance of import. 2006. Web. Retrieved from