How driving habits affect the number of tickets an individual has
Project instructions:
Instructions: Part I Descriptive Statistics
1. Online Survey (ALREADY DONE)
Create an online survey using You can create a survey with up to 10 questions for free using this site. You will utilize Email Invitation as your
collection method. Your required sample size (n) = 90. Research a business topic of interest to your group.
Come up with a research question (ALREADY DONE). For instance, what factors affect the price of a home? In this instance home price would be the dependent
variable (DV or Y) and the remaining variables would be the independent variables (IV’s or X’s) affecting the dependent variable (i.e., garage, pool, size, age, and
neighborhood). Variables would include the following: price (ratio DV), garage [(yes or no) categorical IV], pool [(yes or no) categorical IV], home size [(square feet)
ratio level IV], age (ratio level IV), and neighborhood [(low crime to high crime Likert scale) ordinal level IV]. For each one of these variables, create a survey
question associated with it.
2. Criteria (ALREADY DONE)
You must have ¦
a) at least one ratio level, dependent variable
b) at least two categorical, independent variables
c) at least two ratio level, independent variables
d) at least one ordinal level, independent variable
3. Data File (ALREADY DONE)
Create an Excel file with the data you have collected.
4. Descriptive Statistics
Use Excel to perform the necessary calculations and charts for descriptive statistics. You must include:
1. frequency tables,
2. means,
3. medians,
4. modes,
5. standard deviations,
6. quartiles,
7. bar charts,
8. pie charts, choose ONE of these for each variable to best display the results
9. histograms,
10. skewness indicators,
11. and boxplots (outliers).
5. Interpretations
Provide a write-up in Word that interprets your output (copy charts and tables to your Word document). Each interpretation must be typed AFTER its respective
6. Citations
Cite at least five academic manuscripts in your entire paper, relating to your project topic.
Business Source Premier Enhanced Business Search Interface is a good business database to use. You can search by keyword from there to find articles. Also, is a good way to find academic manuscripts. References must be in APA format.
Instructions: Part II Inferential Statistics
IV: Independent Variable
DV: Dependent Variable
1. Calculate confidence intervals (CI) for all ratio and ordinal level variables. Confidence intervals should be at the 95% confidence level. Interpret the CI results.
2. Create a correlation table of all the variables.
a. Which variables are correlated?
b. Do the directions ( /-) of the correlations make sense?
c. Does there appears to be any multicollinearity?
3. Conduct a two sample t-test between any nominal level IV with 2 groups and ordinal/ratio level DV. Interpret your results. Be sure to include and interpret¦
a. t-test descriptive statistics
b. The p-value of the t-test for equality of means
4. Perform ANOVA and the subsequent multiple comparisons (Tukey test), if necessary, to determine if there is a difference between a nominal level IV with more
than 2 groups and ordinal/ratio level DV. Interpret your results. Be sure to include and interpret ¦
a. ANOVA descriptive statistics
b. the p-value for ANOVA
5. Create a scatter plot to visualize the relationship between an ordinal/ratio level IV and ordinal/ratio level DV. Interpret the graph(s).
6. Perform multiple regression analysis. Include all variables in the analysis, except any nominal level IVs with more than 2 groups. Interpret your results. Be sure to
include and interpret ¦
a. coefficient of determination
b. regression and residual sum of squares
c. regression equation
d. intercept and its associated p-value
e. slope(s) and associated p-value(s)
7. The completed research paper should also include:
a. An abstract at the beginning.
b. Conclusions summarizing the most important findings at the end.
c. A reference page.
d. An appendix displaying the survey instrument