How does the Gate Control Theory of Pain inform treatment

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How does the Gate Control Theory of Pain inform treatment

How does the Gate Control Theory of Pain inform treatment

Why is in the interdisciplinary model important for pain conceptualization and treatment? What approaches to pain treatment seem the most beneficial? The most problematic? What factors are most likely to lead to pain-related disability? How do we treat pain for individuals who experience “phantom” pain? According to our case example, is CBT helpful in reducing pain and improving quality of life? What are the strengths and weaknesses of CBT?
You do not have to answer all of the questions. Go into depth on a few ideas, but make sure to include all of the readings in the paper. You can use outside ideas as well to help with the paper.

Chronic Pain Overview

Koestler, A. J., & Myers, A. (2002). Understanding chronic pain. Jackson: University Press of Mississippi. Read chapters 1 – 4

TED Talk on Chronic Pain (8 minutes)

Krane, E. (2011 May). The mystery of chronic pain [Video file]. Retrieved from

How Pain Relates to Disability

Åsenlöf, P., & Söderlund, A. (2010). A further investigation of the importance of pain cognition and behaviour in pain rehabilitation: Longitudinal data suggest disability and fear of movement are most important. Clinical Rehabilitation, 24(5), 422-430. doi:10.1177/0269215509353264

Clinical Experience & Application:

Case Example of Treatment of Amputation Pain:

Young, S. (2008, March 19). For amputees, an unlikely painkiller: Mirrors. CNN. Retrieved from

Case Example of Treatment of Chronic Lower Back Pain:

Heapy, A. A., Stroud, M. W., Higgins, D. M., & Sellinger, J. J. (2006). Tailoring Cognitive-Behavioral Therapy for Chronic Pain: A Case Example. Journal Of Clinical Psychology, 62(11), 1345-1354. doi:10.1002/jclp.20314