Project description
How do womens career decision making differ to mens, especially for young adults who have a higher education background? And the role of gender in the career decision making process of young adults?
Added on 09.07.2016 12:00
I have done a dissertation and I have failed it. So, I need to rework for the existing dissertation.
I have given you the main topic but it also need to have 3 sub-question which is relate to the dissertation and the whole dissertation is to answer those 3 questions. please help me to write 3 new sub-questions as my previous three are very bad.
The file writing instruction have all you need to know.
Please let me know as soon as possible when you have idea for the 3 new sub-questions
Please have a look to the link i am going to send you and the file name dissertation is the work i have done and there have some comments and marks from the professor. Please help me to make a better one. I cant afford to fail it again.