Order DescriptionAssignment Overview
The analytical essay requires you to demonstrate the depth and breadth of your sense of historical perspective regarding the social, cultural, economic and political conditions that influenced the artist and the works that they produced. It is important that the key technical elements and the aesthetic conditions can be examined through the analysis.Assignment Question
How do producers create cultural texts, and what are the cultural factors that influence the production? Write a critical analysis comparing and contrasting either two cultural producers or two cultural texts, of different media and made in differing time periods (or belonging to two different artistic movements).Please select one of the following topics for the essay:Write a critical analysis comparing two creative works from two different periods (movements), e.g. two different art works;ORWrite a critical analysis comparing two prominent artists from two different periods (movements,) {i.e. two different artists (creators)}Requirements
You must select from different artistic fields (e.g. a painter and a film director, or a painting and a song, etc.).The selected artist/work should be from a period after 1600 AD.It is strongly recommended that at least one of the chosen topics be from a period before 1990. This is to ensure that you have access to a range of high quality sources. The more recent an artwork is, or the more current an artist is, the less opportunity there will to access high quality critical resources. Fan websites and celebratory publications, which are very common for current artists, are not going to be very useful as they will not be critical enough. The quality of your research will be a major determining factor in your grade.At least one of the models of analysis covered in class should be used as a tool in analysing your chosen topic.Ensure that you provide a clear and insightful overview of the selected period that the artist or artwork belongs to. It must be evident throughout the essay that you have conducted research on the periods and the selected artists (or works). Other than reading on the topic, this should also involve extensive examination of a variety of creative works. Ensure that you consistently use quotes and other materials to support the analysis.All sources used in the research must be cited and the essay must be fully referenced. Source quotes and other materials (pictures, charts, music, scores, etc.) from a variety of sources to support the analysis;Present clear and insightful opinions;3,500 words (10%, not including quoted materials);The assignment must be submitted in essay format;A data disc with supporting media (clips, pictures and music) should be included with the submission if applicable;Ensure the work is appropriately formatted and labelled;Ensure that all quoted materials are clearly referenced in accordance with the Harvard Referencing System.
Assessment Criteria
Clear and concise introduction;Insightful overview of key developments;Examination of the selected works/artists;Well structured and developed arguments;Appropriate level of critical and conceptual analysis (considering aesthetic, social, cultural, economic and political context if applicable;)Clear and insightful conclusion;Effective use of quotes/references and other supporting materials;Appropriate bibliography;Use of language;Presentation/formatting.
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