How did the Civil War amendments change America?

Ability to think and persuade
July 12, 2020
Explain each stage of the management plan and justify your rationale
July 12, 2020

How did the Civil War amendments change America?

Week 3 DQ 1

How did the Civil War amendments change America?

Week 3 DQ 2

How has the United States Supreme Court impacted the status of African American people in the United States?  Pay particular attention to the Dred ScottPlessy v. Ferguson, and Brown v. Topeka, Kansas Board of Education decisions.

One of the major political parties controls one or both Houses of Congress

How could such a party split among the three branches of government contribute to the interactions, or potentially create conflict, among the three branches of government?

Racism, classism, and all other ism’s

Racism, classism, and all other ism’s are often ingrained in people.  What did the Civil Rights Act do to change how people felt?  Is the law capable to changing the way people feel and think?  Does a change in the law make a difference, if people still feel the way they always did?