: How did I Become an entrepreneur

: Research skills assignment
August 15, 2020
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August 15, 2020

: How did I Become an entrepreneur


Order Description
Entrepreneurship – How Did I Become An Entrepreneur reflective learning journal and include the following sections in the journal.

How did I Become an entrepreneur Reflections weekly:
•Describe the skills, qualities, knowledge, Attributes required to be an entrepreneur.
•Reading summaries see list in Moodle (6 marks)
•Book review key points
•Weekly Lectures
•Workshops Bi Weekly
•ICT & social media
•Communication & networking you have done – interviews & industry discussions conducted
•Creativity & Innovation
•Your Risk-Taking
•Overall conclusions and reflections(150-250)

It is kind of journal, not essay.
I have done • reading summaries, •book revew and weekly lecture as well, so you don’t need to worry about these sections.