How could you test the hypothesis

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April 16, 2020
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April 16, 2020

How could you test the hypothesis

Q. Science as the process. Eastern tent caterpillars (Malacosoma americanum) live in sizable groups in silk nests, or tents, which they construct in cherry trees. They are among the first insects to become active in the spring, emerging very early in the season-a time while daily temperature fluctuates from freezing to very hot. Observing a colony over the course of a day, you examine striking differences in group behaviour: Early in the morning, the black caterpillars rest in a tightly packed group on the east-facing surface of the tent. In mid afternoon, the group is found on the tent under surface, each caterpillar individually hanging from the tent by just a few of its legs. Suggest a hypothesis to explain this behaviour. How could you test the hypothesis?