How can we contend that we provide equal justice under the law when we do not provide adequate representation to the poor in cases where a life hangs

August 16, 2020
Week # 6 Assignment
August 16, 2020

How can we contend that we provide equal justice under the law when we do not provide adequate representation to the poor in cases where a life hangs

Spring 2016

Literature Review Guidelines

Due: May 20th

Topic must be related to death penalty and subject to empirical study. Evaluative components:

1. Content Components
A. Problem formulation—How well does the draft identify the topic and field being examined and the relevant issues? In your answer, be sure you name the topic, field, and issues being examined.

B. Literature search—Does the draft comprehensively identify all prior research relevant to the subject being explored?

C. Data evaluation—Does the draft differentiate among prior research by identifying which literature makes a significant contribution to the understanding of the topic (and explain why the contribution is or is not significant)? In assessing prior research, consideration may be given to: (i) the author’s credentials, (ii) whether the author’s arguments supported by evidence, the author’s objectivity, and the overall research design.

D. Analysis and interpretation—Does the draft discuss the findings and conclusions of pertinent literature? Most important does the draft lay the foundation for the research being proposed by identifying gaps in prior research, inadequacies in prior research, conflicts among prior studies, and situating one’s proposed research within the literature?

2. Organizational Components
A. Does the draft offer an overview of the subject, issue or theory under consideration, along with the objectives of the literature review?

B. Does the draft divide works under review into categories (e.g. those in support of a particular position, those against, and those offering alternative theses entirely)

C. Does the draft explain how each work is similar to and how it varies from the others?

D. Does the draft contain a thesis paragraph? (In the context of a literature review, the thesis paragraph would be a conclusion regarding the gaps in prior research.

E. Does each paragraph contain a thesis sentence?

3. Technical Components
A. Does the draft avoid passive voice?
B. Does the draft use simple sentences without multiple clauses?
C. Are articles cited correctly?
D. Does the draft avoid the excessive use of pronouns, so that ambiguity is avoided?
E. Does the author use descriptive language and choose words appropriately?
F. Is spelling and punctuation correct?

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Posted on May 9, 2016Author TutorCategories Question, Questions