When a guest stays at a hotel, they are, at-the-minimum, promised a clean, safe and comfortable accommodation€¦€¦€¦€¦
July 22, 2020
Written Business Plan and Presentation
July 22, 2020

Housing price

Housing price

Project description
You are required to follow the given instructions in completing this assignment:

1. Your work throughout should be clearly stated and presented in Microsoft Word. The presentation should be consistent throughout

2. The statistical analysis should be carried out using Minitab 16.

3. You are advised to use between 6 8 pages (excluding cover, List of Contents, and appendix if this is used) for the module report.

4. Marks will be awarded to the presentation and structure of the report. 5. It is important that your work is consistent throughout. Otherwise,marks will be lost.

The report should include the following sections.

1. Cover.

2. List of Contents.

3. Introduction

(This should include the theme and objectives, 1 page).

4. Methodology

(Review of previous studies, reference to the statistical methods used in satisfying your objectives; missing values and software used for the analysis and presentation of the report, 1-2 pages).

5. Statistical Analysis

In this section, you will use the random sample you will draw from the data set br.xlsx, Topic 6 in the course web page according to the specifications in Module Report Characteristics( Observations:673, Variables:11, Replacement:1 ).
a) Descriptive Analysis

(This should include descriptive statistics, cross-tabulations, appropriate graphs, confidence intervals, 3-4 pages)

b) Explanatory Analysis

(This should include correlation and regression analysis, 2-3 pages).

6. Conclusion and Recommendation

(This should include the main conclusions and any recommendations you would like to make, 1-2 pages).

Theme of the Coursework

Determinants of House prices

You will conduct a statistical analysis to determine the relationship of a particular housing characteristic with selling price. To examine this issue, you will use both descriptive and explanatory analysis techniques specified above. Each student will use a random sample which will be drawn from the housing data set : br.xlsx, Topic 6 in the course web page. The number of observations; the number of variables; and whether the sample will be drawn with or without replacement are different for each student. This information is given as Module Report Characteristics, Topic 7 in the course web page. The codebook for the data set can be found Housing Data Set Codebook, Topic 6 in the course web page.

Vehicle Code
Paper instructions:
The topic is about Vehicle Code in California

I.    INTRODUCTION.  There should be a general statement about the legislation one is about to do research on.  Why is this topic important to you?  How are you going to approach this topic. One should consider, that the introductions is designed to captivate the interest of the reader while at the same time providing the reader a basic outline on how one is going to approach this topic.
II.    LEGISLATION.  The student is to write the law as it exactly appears in the Federal Codes or Federal Regulations.  The code in the research project should mirror the code as it appears in the federal codes.  Remember, the purpose of electing representative in the legislature is to empower them to make the law.  We in society merely respond to the law.  Do not interpret or give impressions about the law in the legislative section of this paper.
III.      RATIONALE.  Whenever a law is written, the law itself must satisfy the due process standard of the 5Th and 14Th amendment.  This means that the law cannot be arbitrary, capricious or unreasonable.  Furthermore, due process requires that there be some evidence that the law went through a deliberative and rational process.  Therefore, the law must have a purpose, goal or rationale.  Student must state the purpose, goal or rationale of the law.
IV.      SUBSEQUENT CASE ANALYSIS.  Students are to select two cases that are relevant to the code in questions (it is advisable that the student go to the notes on decision’ to ascertain relevant cases under the code section).  Students are to brief the cases by applying (FILAC).  Also, the students are to properly title the case.  If the statute or subject is new and there are no relevant cases, students are advised to go to law journals articles (easily accessible in lexis nexus) and select two articles relevant to the subject at hand.  The student is to properly cite the journal article and do a one page summary of each article.
V.        CONCLUSION.  The conclusion will consist of two parts:
a.    SOCIAL IMPACT.  In this section of the conclusion the student will explore as to whether or not the legislation is accomplishing its goal?  Is there significant controversy about the legislation?  In other words, what is the social attitude about the legislation.
b.    PERSONAL OPINION.  This section of the conclusion, the student provides their respective personal opinion of the legislation.  In this section the student might explore how the law affects that person individually?  Are there any ethical or moral opposition to the law?

Final Research Project Due on July 22, 2014.