Assessment of Positive Environment for Student Learning Step 1 & 2
September 30, 2020
The murder of Cindy Jones, a young woman, stunned the community in Centervale. Five years ago, a young woman €¦€¦€¦
September 30, 2020

housing policy

Your presentation should be the equivalent approximately 2,500 words and should not
exceed 3,000 words. You will be required to submit handouts of any(power point

(slides you )may have used._with explanato notes. You may also wish to include
tables and charts. You will be given the opportunity to present ‘informally’ to the rest
of the group for formative feedback on your second contact day. This will help you to
identify what was good about your presentation and what could be improved for final
submission. Do not forget to reference your work and refer to your reading – this is
important even though the format of the assignment is different.
To prepare for this assignment it is recommended that you:

Speak to a policy officer within your organisation to help identify a relevant
housing policy that has impacted significantly upon your organisation in recent

Review the learning materials of the module and identify further reading that
will be necessary.

Ensure that your presentation addresses all of the learning outcomes and
assessment criteria.

Review the guide to presentation skills which your tutor will provide you with

Recommended Reading

Balchin, P and Rhoden, M (2002) Housing Policy, 4?’ Edition, Routledge

Bramley, G et al (2004) Key Issues in Housing: Policies and Markets in 215? Century
Britain, London, Palgrave Macmillan

Lowe, S (2004) Housing Policy Analysis: British Housing Cultural and Comparative
Context, Ashgate

Lund, B (2011) Understanding Housing Policy, Bristol, The Policy Press

Mullins, D & Murie, A (2006) Housing Policy in the UK, Palgrave

Malpass, P (2005) Housing and the Welfare State: The Development of Housing
Policy in Britain, MacMillan

National Assembly for Wales (2001) Better Homes for People in Wales, Cardiff:NAW