Hostos’ Journal
Select one topic and write in which you discuss this topic in details
1. How does Hostos describe the situation in Hait and Santo Domingo in the late 1860 and early 1870s in his Article the Annexation of santo Domingo and the situation of the Antilles. What role did nationalism play in the controversy over annexation, according to Hostos? You may want to start out by providing background about the political, economic, and military factors that surrounds this controversy.
2. What were the arguments for and against the annexation of santo Domingo by the United States during president grant’s administration and Buenaventura BAez regime? Compare the speeches by Oresident Grant, Senator Charles Sumner, and Senator Carl Schurtz, as they argued their cases for or against annexation. Explain carefully each of their positions and discuss Hostos’s views in the two articles that he wrote about the subject and in his journal