Mini-Literary Analysis on Frankenstein by Mary Shelley 1818
July 18, 2020
Human Resource Management and the Law
July 18, 2020


HomosexualityHomosexuality can best be described, as the expression of sexual desire towards a member of ones own sex. A lesbian is termed as a female homosexual (Ojeda, 2004). In the current times, the term gay is most often used to determine both sexes that are homosexuals. Homosexuality is not a rational discussion. To some people, the practice is a perfectly acceptable lifestyle. Most of the others believe it to be an anathema; it is genetic or it is a choice made by the homosexual. Some even believe that homosexuality can be cured.A question most often debatable is if homosexuality is a choice or it is generic. In the domain of medical science, sexuality and sexual orientations are seen to be the most complex of questions most often asked. Researchers have studied that the probability of each twin being homosexual is relatively true (Ojeda, 2004). This is however not the case for identical twins; this is one of the arguments that supports the genetic aspect of homosexuality. However, this research is not valid because in families with adopted brothers, homosexuality was more frequent than the general society rate. The study on hormones and other structures conclude that the possible cause of homosexuality is biological but not genetic. There is a known difference between heterosexuals and homosexuals; it is not determined if this differences cause homosexuality or a result to homosexuality. Sociology and psychological reasons are found to be quite substantial evidence for that homosexuality is developed. It is seen as something you grow into.Homosexuality is seen as multi-causal and complex. Many factors contribute to the development of same sex attraction. Researchers agree that the gay gene is a combination of the social, psychological and biological factors. Some psychologists consider that areas of the brain controlling sexual desires may be affected by hormone irregularities while the child is still in the womb. Other psychologists relate to it as failing to identify properly with other members of the same sex or with the parent of the same sex. A persons sexual orientation is set by the time he is or she is either four or five years (Ojeda, 2004). Theories seek to explain homosexuality but a persons sexual acts are always in a realm of choice unless it is a rape case or molestation.Human choice is an outstanding factor that has led to the development of same sex attraction. However, how one decides on his or her sexual orientation does not revolve around this factor. Sexual orientation is shaped by a series of events. No one can decide how he or she will experience this opposite sex attraction. It is argued that a gay man might not want to be gay, but there is no magic switch to turn off his attraction to his fellow men. Homosexuality is considered a daily struggle. Most men and women will always be in support of being gay as not a choice. Why would anyone choose to be scorned at, rejected by family and friends, denied rights and subjected to violent hate crimes? However most of the homosexuals and lesbians when they come out of this cocoon, they proclaim their joy and fulfillment.Many ask, is being a homosexual right or wrong? It is believed that whoever answers that question determines the answer. In the Christian perspective, principles and guidelines are based upon the Bible, the divinely inspired word of God (Moore, 2003). The Bible has much to say generally on sexuality. In the Bible, the act of homosexuality is considered an illicit lust forbidden by God and it is condemned in the scriptures. As stated in the Old Testament, life was considered harsh because anyone one who deviated from the teachings of the law was either stoned to death or exiled. This changes much in the New Testament, as punishment is now secondary to Jesus message of repentance and redemption. As much as Jesus did not mention on homosexuality, he condemned all forms of sexual immorality.Direct references of homosexuality in the Bible are few. However, Jews and Christians prohibit this practice. Contemporary biblical scholars understand this through their background. Possible biblical references are seen in the story of Sodom and Gomorrah in Genesis as a possible punishment for homosexuality. The bible often talks about sexual matters in euphemistic and vague terms and there is a lack of understanding on how the people of several thousand years ago used had understood those terms. In the modern sexual culture, we associate touching, kissing, and the word love with a sexual relationship (Moore, 2003). This is different in the biblical era; these relationships were no closer than close relationships. Cited relationships like Naomi and Ruth and between Jesus and John were examples of close relationships.Christians today generally believe that the 613 instructions were meant for the Jews. Most of these Christians defend themselves with the scripture to tolerate immoral standards that include homosexuality. Many of them claim that some of the bible relationships were homosexual and do this to justify their actions. This trend is mostly among the protestant clergymen who advocate for their homosexual relations. In the Vatican, catholic priests engage in the same immoral behavior despite taking oath not to engage in sexual sin and remain celibate. Most of the Christians do not take homosexuality as a serious sin since it is not among the Ten Commandments. It was never mentioned by Jesus or any of his twelve disciples.Like their Christian counterparts, Islam has a consensus on same sex intercourse and it a violation of the Islamic law (Habib, 2010). There are divergent perspectives in the Islamic circles pertaining physical punishment and the proof required before inflicting it. In Islam if anyone is caught in the act of practicing homosexuality, he or she is stoned to death as accorded by law. Punishments for adultery and homosexuality require four witnesses (Habib, 2010). In the religion, love between the same sex is encouraged so long as they it does not entail having sex between them. The open love amongst men in the Islamic religion is publicly expressed. At least four to eight men must bear witness. This made it tough to punish individuals that failed to be faithful to their sexual counterparts. In Islam homosexuality, is sexual association accorded between at least two males or females and not masturbation. If any one indulges in this act, he or she must take bath before the next prayers.In contemporary nations where the religious orientation is majorly Islam, homosexuality is accorded capital sentence, translating into forced demises, as evidenced by practices noted within Islamic nations like Saudi Arabia, Sudan, Iran, Mauritania, and Yemen, amongst others. In other Muslim states, one is subjected to jail time or he or she is given a fine or corporal punishment. Most human rights organizations however are against this act, reproving of legal edicts that accord the crime status to an assented association that is created without any form of coercion. The United Nations in the year 1994 held the same perspective by terming the aforementioned edicts as being illegal as they breach the right of personal opinion and sovereignty. Islamic nations disregard these laws claiming that such laws preserve the Islamic morality and virtue (Habib, 2010).A faction of Islamic enthusiasts have embraced the practice of homosexuality by according the viewpoint that the context of the initial writings was specifically directed to the early society and thereby stands as obsolete functions within the contemporary community. They argue that the Quran is against homosexual lust and not homosexual love. This view has however been rejected by a bulk of Muslim sects, inclusive of both conformist and non-conformist thinkers. There has been a rise in marriage of convenience amongst Muslim gays wanting to avoid emotional and physical harm to them. Homosexuality is punishable by death in Muslim states. These types of marriages where a gay male marries a lesbian for publicity sake are most common to avoid many being ostracized from the society. Most of these Muslim gays do this to satisfy the world.
There is much comparison of the diverse beliefs about the nature of homosexuality. It is important to realize that most of the Americans belief systems are termed to be either conservative or liberal. Issues that are related to culture and religion are not really face valued. It is observed that many youths and young adults have liberal beliefs. Many middle aged and elderly persons have conservative beliefs (Habib, 2010). It is however sad to note that none of the beliefs appears to resolve the differences. The two solitudes differ on their truth description. The beliefs are quite rigid and it is difficult for both solitudes to settle on one belief.The fact that homosexuality is not a practice that is embraced in the society means that most of the gays and lesbians are struggling with acceptance in the society. They are denied equal rights compared to the heterosexuals (Ojeda, 2004). Often the gay community is asked to keep their relationship secret in liberal countries like the US. It has gone to the extreme case of pharmacists refusing to serve someone because he is gay. These people face various types of discriminations ranging from sex counselors who refuse to counsel person in the same sex relations. Ministers who refuse to preside over same sex marriages and even photographers who refuse to participate in same sex weddings.There is a wide spread stigmatization on same sex marriages. Violence is often stimulated against gay people. It is estimated that at least a gay man was killed every two days in Latin America because of his sexuality. Many young people have to face homophobia in their everyday lives. Research shows that young lesbians and bisexuals have experienced direct bullying in Britain schools. In countries like Turkey though, homosexuality is legal. It is very much a taboo, human rights have urged for a stronger protection for these kinds of people. Homosexuality has been the target of severe discrimination by the society and in particular by the police. A growing number of authorities are seeing homosexuality as a sociological phenomenon and not as a mental illness. Urges by people to end the discrimination against homosexuals, homosexuality, bisexuals, and bisexuality are been heard from all over the world. Calls were made upon organizations that discriminated them to end immediately all discrimination against these people.However, this changing with time the federal laws protects people from the work place discrimination based on race, national origin, sex, age and disability. There is no federal law that specifically outlaws workplace discrimination based on sexual orientation in the private sector. Stated laws to outdate this discrimination act have been unsuccessful up to date. Many states are currently revising laws to protect homosexuals and bisexuals. Most gays and lesbians were stereotyped by the HIV/AIDS epidemic (Ojeda, 2004). The coverage of HIV/AIDS has consistently drawn the negative stereotype on gays and lesbians. There was mainstream fear and dislike on the gay community and the gay were essentially blamed for it.Today many organizations have been formed in support of gay and lesbian rights. These organizations include the international gay and lesbian rights commission that helps regulate and fight for the rights of the gay community. It is created to draw attention of politicians, thought leaders, movements in the public and the media on relevant topics of homophobia. These organizations try to promote an understanding to provoke action. However, homosexuality is still a taboo in every other community and stigmatization on these practices is still a norm despite the introduction of laws that prohibit discrimination against homosexuals.ReferencesDe, L. T. M. A. (2009). . St. Louis, Mo: Chalice Press.Habib, S. (2010). . Santa Barbara, Calif: Praeger.Moore, G. (2003). . London, UK: Continuum.Ojeda, A. (2004). . San Diego: Greenhaven Press.Simon, R. J., & Brooks, A. (2009). . Lanham: Lexington Books.