Holocaust Survivor Testimony

ACC 225 Week 7 Discussion Questions
March 18, 2020
•Harlem Renaissance Poets.
March 18, 2020

Holocaust Survivor Testimony

Holocaust Survivor Testimony
Testimony is by a man called Otto Feuer…. http://voices.iit.edu/interviewee?doc=feuerO

This link will take you direct to the interview and on the right hand side of the page you will click on:

“launch audio with transcript”
You can Listen to the testimony and subsequently use the transcript to follow the interview.

I want you to relate to the following issues:

1) Interaction between David Boder and the interviewee

2)How is the story of survival told? associatively/chronologically?

3) How does the survivor explain their survival if at all? attribute survival to him/herself or to others?

4) Moments of difficulty for the survivor in relaying their past – in terms of difficult memories or difficulty to express themselves?
There will be 4/5 very IMPORTANT articles which will need to be incorporated into this paper and I will upload them.

All references will be footnoted!