HLTEN513B Chronic Health – Assessment 3 Activities

October 22, 2020
World Map
October 22, 2020

HLTEN513B Chronic Health – Assessment 3 Activities

x Gather and record admission data for the client with a chronic health problem, for inclusion in a care plan
according to organisation policy
Mrs. Jane Harris is an 80year old woman admitted to your ward after admission through Accident and
Emergency by ambulance with exacerbation of COPD, and has fallen. She has abrasions on her left shin and
her left elbow. She also has a wound on her forehead.
Jane lives alone and up until now has managed with the assistance of a neighbor . She has one daughter who
lives interstate. She appears emaciated and has admitted that preparing meals has become increasingly
difficult. She also forgets to take her medications.
RR: 30bpm.
BP: 190/100
HR: 100

SpO2: 90.

x Gather and record ongo ing clinical data for inclusion in the client’s care plan in line with organisation
Create a Care Plan for Jane.

x Gather and record ongoing clinical data for inclusion in the client’s care plan in line with organisation
What ongoing records would be recorded for Jane?

x Contribute information and data on the activities of daily living for the client with chronic health
problem for inclusion in discharge plans
x Implement client discharge procedures in line with organisation policy and procedures

List Jane’s Activities of Daily Living – (be creative). In the Discharge Plan, include what services would be
available for Jane.

x Recognise emergency situations and respond according to organisation policy and procedures and
within legal and professional requirements.

HLTEN513B Chronic Health – Assessment 3 Activities

x Recognise emergency situations and respond according to organisation policy and procedures and
within legal and professional requirements

As the EEN doing night duty, you pop into Jane’s room at 2100hrs to check she is comfortable. Sh e is
What would you do?
What code would you call?

x Confirm the roles and responsibilities of members of the emergency response team

Where would they have come from?
What would their roles be?
x Prepare and/or check the equipment on the emerge ncy trolley

What equipment do you think would be required from the Arrest Trolley? How often are the contents of the
Arrest Trolley checked?

x Access in response to request from emergency response team, drugs commonly used during
emergency resuscitation ( including drugs for anaphylaxis
What medication would be commonly used in the event of a Cardiac Arrest (Asystole) or Anaphylaxis?

x Participate in performing emergency resuscitation techniques
Demonstrate CPR.

HLTEN513B Chronic Health – Assessment 3 Activities


x Gather and record admission data for the client with a chronic health problem, for inclusion in a care
plan according to organisation policy
Adam Foster is a 50 year old man who has been admitted to your ward after being bought in by ambulance.
He is suffering from exacerbation of ASTHMA. He has been stabilized in A & E, but since admission to the
ward, has become increasingly short of breath. He has had chronic ASTHMA since his teens. However he
smokes 20 a day and neglects to take his Preventer and neglects to c arry his Ventolin puffer with him.
RR – 30bpm
BP: 200/100
HR: 120bpm
SpO2: 89%

x Gather and record ongoing clinical data for inclusion in the client’s care plan in line with organisation
Create a Care Plan for Adam.

x Gather and record ongoing clinical data for inclusion in the client’s care plan in line with organisation
What ongoing observations would recorded for Adam.

x Contribute information and data on the activities of daily living for the client with chronic health
problem for inclusion in discharge plans
x Implement client discharge procedures in line with organisation policy and procedures.

How does the Asthma impact on Adams Activities of Daily Living? What is an important consideration when
preparing Adam for Discharge?

x Recognis e emergency situations and respond according to organisation policy and procedures and
within legal and professional requirements.
x Recognise emergency situations and respond according to organisation policy and procedures and
within legal and professional requirements

HLTEN513B Chronic Health – Assessment 3 Activities

As the EEN doing night duty, you pop into
Adams room at 2100hrs to check she is comfortable. She is unresponsive.
What would you do?
What code would you call?

x Confirm the roles and responsibilities of members of the emergency response team

Where would they have come from?
What would their roles be?
x Prepare and/or check the equipment on the emergency trolley

What equipment do you think would be required from the Arrest Trolley? How often are the contents of the
Arrest Trolley checked?

x Access in response to request from emergency response team, drugs commonly used during
emergency resuscitation (including drugs for anaphylaxis
What medication would be commonly used in the event of a Cardiac Arrest (Asystole) or Anaphylaxis?

x Participate in performing emergency resuscitation techniques
Demonstrate CPR.

HLTEN513B Chronic Health – Assessment 3 Activities


x Gather and record admission data for the client with a chronic health problem, for inclusion in a care
plan according to organisation policy

Rose is a 19 year old Type 1 Diabetic., and has been since she was 12 years old. She has been admitted to your
ward after being treated in Accident and Emergency for a hypoglycemic event. She is noncompliant with the
regime for her Diabetes. If she is going out for a night of clubbing, she takes extra insulin to balance the
alcohol she will be drinking. She eats what she likes, and is already exhibiting diabetic neuropathy in her toes.

RR 20 bpm
HR 70bpm
BP 120/70
SpO2 98%
BGL: 10

x Gather and record ongoing clinical data for inclusion in the client’s care plan in line with organisation
Create a Care Plan for Rose.

x Gather and record ongoing clinical data for inclusion in the client’s care plan in line with organisation
What ongoing observations would be recorded for Rose?

x Contribute information and data on the activities of daily living for the client with chronic health
problem for inclusion in discharge plans
x Implement client discharge procedures in line with organisation policy and procedures.

Does Roses Diabetes impact her Activities of Daily Living? What could be the possible effects of Diabetes in
her future? What is an important consideration when preparing Rose for Discharge?

x Recognise emergency situations and respond according t o organisation policy and procedures and
within legal and professional requirements.
HLTEN513B Chronic Health – Assessment 3 Activities

x Recognise emergency situations and respond according to organisation policy and procedures and
within legal and professional requirements

As the EEN doing night duty, yo u pop into
Rose’s room at 2100hrs to check she is comfortable. She is unresponsive.
What would you do?
What code would you call?

x Confirm the roles and responsibilities of members of the emergency response team

Where would they have come from?
What would their roles be?
x Prepare and/or check the equipment on the emergency trolley

What equipment do you think would be required from the Arrest Trolley? How often are the contents of the
Arrest Trolley checked?

x Access in response to request from emergency r esponse team, drugs commonly used during
emergency resuscitation (including drugs for anaphylaxis
What medication would be commonly used in the event of a Cardiac Arrest (Asystole) or Anaphylaxis?

x Participate in performing emergency resuscitation techniqu es
Demonstrate CPR.

HLTEN513B Chronic Health – Assessment 3 Activities

x Gather and record admission data for the client with a chronic health problem, for inclusion in a care
plan according to organisation policy
Edna is a 65 year old patient in your ward at Gold Coast University Hospital. She has been transferred from a
country hospital where she was admitted after suffering a Stroke 5 days ago while driving with her husband on
holidays. She has left sided hemiplegia. She still has swallowing difficulties and so is on a modified diet.
(Texture B). Mobility is with assistance, and she needs assistance x 1 with showering.

RR: 24 bpm
HR: 90bpm
BP: 180/90
SpO2 – 96%

x Gather and record ongoing clinical data for inclusion in the client’s care plan in line with organisation
Create a Care Plan for Edna.

x Gather and record ongoing clinical data for inclusion in the client’s care plan in line with organisation
What ongoing observations would be recorded for Edna?

x Contribute information and data on the activities of daily living for the client with chronic health
problem for inclusion in discharge plans
x Implement client discharge procedures in line with organisation policy and procedures.

How will Edna’s stroke impact on her Activities of Daily Living? What are the considerations for when Edna
returns home?

x Recognise emergency situations and respond according to organisation policy and procedures and
within legal and professional requirements.
x Recognise emergency situations and respond according to organisation policy and procedures and
within legal and professional requirements

As the EEN doing night duty, you pop into
Edna’s room at 2100hrs to check she is comfortable. She is unresponsive.
HLTEN513B Chronic Health – Assessment 3 Activities

What would you do?
What code would you call?

x Confirm the r oles and responsibilities of members of the emergency response team

Where would they have come from?
What would their roles be?
x Prepare and/or check the equipment on the emergency trolley

What equipment do you think would be required from the Arrest Trolley? How often are the contents of the
Arrest Trolley checked?

x Access in response to request from emergency response team, drugs commonly used during
emergency resuscitation (including drugs for anaphylaxis
What medication would be commonly used in the event of a Cardiac Arrest (Asystole) or Anaphylaxis?

x Participate in performing emergency resuscitation techniques
Demonstrate CPR.

