Materials & Manufacturing Process
March 12, 2020
Assume a 9000 lbs tire, with 90 psi tire pressure, on top of a 5-inch asphalt layer (E=200,000 psi), which sits on top of a subgrade (E=3,000 psi).
March 12, 2020



Please respond to each of the questions. Be thoughtful in your responses and draw from the readings and presentations. When citing readings simply refer to the first author and page. For example, if you were citing from Fisher, Williams, Fisher & Malloy from an idea on age 15 your parenthetical reference could read (Fisher et al, p 15)

1.    Summarize the evidence provided by Guttmacher et al. that demonstrates that condom availability on high schools does not cause harm among adolescents (150 words).
2.    Guttmacher et al. compared sexual behavior findings in New York City to Chicago. What evidence is provided to indicate that these two groups are comparable thus allowing us to male comparisons on sexual activity (100 words)
3.    In Halkitis et al CH2 (Halkitis & Wilton), the meanings of sex of HIV+ MSM ARE provided. How are these meanings related to biopsychosocial framework (250 words).
4.    Based on the findings of Pulerwitz et al. what type of structural community level campaign could be enacted to protect women from acquiring HIV (250 words). (Use an approach as we did in the THT discussion with David Hiles to frame a message and a campaign)