HIV/AIDS in the Latino Community in California

Taking a Stand
September 12, 2020
Clinical transformation
September 12, 2020

HIV/AIDS in the Latino Community in California

With the use of the Population, Economic Status Assessment in the US, the Latino community is one of the largest communities concerning the population size among the minorities. In California, the 2011 American Community Survey revealed a population of about 14,358,000 (Latinos Pew Research Center 2011). Population Health Scavenger Hunt ascertained that the population’s median age is 27 years with a median Annual Personal Earnings of $20,000. However, the poverty rate of the Latino community in California stands at 31%. The Public Scavenger Hunt focused on getting the statistical facts from the secondary resources. The sources were from the researches done from the past. Similarly, the Cultural assessment tool was used to get this information from secondary sources. The tool had questions on health insurance, marriage, poverty levels and fertility levels among others. Research from the secondary sources of data was done to answer the questions. The Cultural Assessment revealed that 28% of the Hispanics lack Health Insurance because over 31% of them are ravaging in severe poverty. This percentage doesn’t have regular jobs to sustain their lives. In regard to marriage, the percentage of the married Hispanics, above 15 years of age is forty-three (Latinos Pew Research Center 2011). The US Census Bureau in 2013 revealed that the population’s fertility rate is high with 48% for the Hispanics, compared to the whole population of California, which stands at 38,332,500.

From the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration [SAMHSA] (2004), a reduced rate of marriage and an increase in poverty, insinuate a greater rate of substance abuse among the Latinos. These results are similar to those of the Windshield Survey. The survey was done by looking collecting data from the community with Latinos being at the center of focus. Poverty has made the home ownership rate dwindle to around 43%. On the same line, only 51% of the Latinos are in school to pursue their dreams in life. Similarly, HIV/AIDS in California is rampant. The highest prevalence is an attribute of increased drug use, poverty, and illiteracy among the Latinos in California (Alvarez et al., 2007).

A Community Safety Inventory was also used to assess the community. The inventory had a list of what can be the potential or actual safety problems that the society had. More so, the factors that could be a cause of problems were also put in the broad view. The US Census Bureau revealed that in the 2010-2011 influenza seasons, there was a smaller percentage of Hispanics with an age of 6 months and above who were vaccinated against influenza. Kaiser Family Foundation (2014) asserts that the Latino population is about 16% of the of the US population. However, they represent over 21% and 19% of new cases of HIV infections and people living with the infections respectively. The transmission is high because there are both homosexual and heterosexual trends. The life expectancy of the Latinos is set at about 69 years and 75 in men and women respectively. In 2011, the birth and the mortality rate of California Latinos was 4.5 and 4.9 in a thousand. Disaster Assessment and Planning Guide reveals that California has guides for assessing and planning for the disasters. For instance,California association of health facilities has a disaster planning guide on how to handle all disasters should they ensue. The guide was used to look at how the State of California is prepared to handle disasters in regard to health of the Latinos by perusing in secondary sources of data.

In general, the Latino community in California has many health needs. First, there is a great concern about drug and substance abuse. Poverty is also on the neck of the population that has encountered many challenges concerning HIV/AIDS. From 2006 to date, the poverty level in California stands at 16.9% higher than that of the US as a whole, which is 14.7% (Public Policy Institute of California 2015). Individuals of this population are at a higher risk of indulging in risky sexual habits and drug abuse. With a low percentage of school going children, it means that illiteracy is causing harm to this community. Some of all the challenges and problems could or have contributed to the low rate of child immunization against influenza. In fact, the infant mortality rate stands at 2913 for the year 2013 out of over 548 000 live births

Problems Facing the Latino Community in California

The Latino community has many problems. In relation to the Healthy People 2020, preventable diseases like HIV/AIDS and influenza are eating into the population (U.S. Department of Health and Human Services 2014). The Kaiser Family Foundation (2014) found that the HIV/AIDS menace is detrimental to the health of this community. That is because it greatly contributes to a rise in the death rate and a reduction in the lifespan. That is a key factor for the deteriorating quality of life of the Latinos. However, the Health People 2020 goals aim at promoting the quality of life of the people and increase their lifespan by preventing preventable diseases and health hazards(U.S. Department of Health and Human Services 2014). As a result of poverty and high illiteracy levels, the community’s access to health care facilities is compromised. Influenza is another concern for the healthy people 2020. The population has this problem, from the fact that a good proportion fails to have influenza vaccination, at the right time. Such limits achievement of goals in promoting the quality of life. Similarly, the community may not achieve health equity as stipulated in the Health People 2020 since most of them are vulnerable to drug abuse and HIVAIDS. The other biggest problem is the use of drugs, which makes the population embrace the use of tobacco. That is a great problem to the Latino community. Additionally, most of them do not have health insurance.

HIV/AIDS among California Latinos

The Primary Prevention Topic on HIV/AIDS

Since the main cause of HIV transmission in California is risky sexual intercourse, the primary prevention topic should focus on the control of the habit. The proposed topic is: ‘Promotion of a Healthy Sexual Lifestyle among Latinos in California.’


Alvarez, J., Jason, L. A., Olson, B.D., Ferrari, J. R. and Davis, M. I. (2007). Substance Abuse Prevalence and Treatment Among Latinos and Latinas. Journal of Ethnography and Substance Abuse, 6(2): 115–141.

California Association of Health Facilities [CAHF] (2012).Disaster Planning Guide. California: CAHF?DPP.

Kaiser Family Foundation (2014). Latinos and HIV/AIDS.Retrieved 13 January, 2015. From:

Pew Research Center (2011).Demographic Profile of Hispanics in California, Retrieved 13 January, 2015. From:

Public Policy Institute of California (2015).Poverty in California.Retrieved 27 January, 2015. From:

Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (2004).National survey on drug use and health.Retrieved 13 January, 2015. From: [PubMed]

U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (2014).Healthy People 2020: Topics & Objectives – Objectives A-Z.Retrieved 27 January, 2015. From:

