Criminological Theories
May 9, 2020
Zombie Survival Plan
May 9, 2020

history of latin america

you need to answer this question in one page in an essay form.

1-Sor Juana Ines de la Cruz and other women during the Spanish/Portuguese colonial period challenge the conventional social norms of the time in different ways. How was this possible? Use examples to support your answer.

you can use this material to find the answer also you can you the internet also the uploaded files.  use this link to find the material you need in the schedule tap, its all the readings listed there up until page 331.

then answer this question.
2- Explain what led to massive transplantation of millions of enslave Africans to the Americas. Also explain the impact of the Atlantic slave trade on the Americas and what type of jobs the enslaved performed
.Finally, explain why do we see in some locations in
the Americas higher concentrations of people of African ancestry?
(both north and south America , but focus on south America since this is a history of Latin America course)
the answer should be a page long . you can use the same material as the first question, and you can use the internet.

so the total is 2 pages, one for the first question and one for the second question.
please read the questions carefully and answer exactly what he wanted.

Shared Value Approach to Business
Project instructions:
Upon reading the article from this week, you become intrigued by the concept of shared value and strongly feel that it can be differentiator in not only receiving funding from the VC but helping your bed and breakfast business become profitable on a platform of doing well.

After reading the article on shared value, you realize that it is important for businesses to focus on social issues that are strategic to the company’s business model. Based on your readings for this week, identify and define a social issue in Brazil on which your Bed and Breakfast in Italy could have the most positive influence. You should also consider the ramifications that adopting this approach may have on your business profitability. Additionally, the selected societal issue needs to be verified in the manner by answering the questions below:

Social Issue Identified: (the social issue to write about is unemployment)

€¢ How your Bed and Breakfast in Italy will benefit from the social issue
€¢ How helping the social issue will benefit your enterprise