History of Education: Do Mandatroy Flag Salutes Conflict with Freedom of Speech/Religion?

Antitrust law and Economics
May 8, 2020
As Nature Made him
May 8, 2020

History of Education: Do Mandatroy Flag Salutes Conflict with Freedom of Speech/Religion?

History of Education: Do Mandatroy Flag Salutes Conflict with Freedom of Speech/Religion?

Paper instructions:
10 page doubled spaced,  12 pt font, 1 inch margins

This is a paper for a History of American Education course.

The question to be addressed is Do mandatory flag salutes conflict with freedom of speech and religion in schools? An example of this is the Pledge of Allegiance

in US schools with one nation under God.

Content will include such topics as the history, current state, pros/cons, etc. The focus is on American education, though this paper should look at how the

situation is handled in other countries.

At least 2 primary sources and 3 secondary sources minimum. 100% original paper. Please provide progress updates on paper.