1. The Marginalists: Jevons, Menger, Marshall, Bhm-Bawerk; Chapter 5, Teachings
from the Worldly Philosophy; Lecture Notes
2. Walras, Pareto, and Edgeworth: Chapter 5, Teachings from the Worldly Philosophy;
Lecture Notes
3. The Institutionalist Challenge to Neoclassical Economics
Veblen and Commons, Chapter 6, Teachings from the Worldly Philosophy; Chapter 8,
The Worldly Philosophers; Lecture Notes
4. Wicksell and Fisher: The beginnings of macroeconomics; Lecture Notes
5. The Keynesian Revolution and the Monetarist/New Classical Counter-Revolution;
Chapter 6, Teachings from the Worldly Philosophy; Chapter 9, The Worldly
Philosophers; Lecture Notes
8. Contemporary Economics: The mainstream and its rivals; Lecture Notes